Wednesday 30 December 2015

Mail of the Year 2015 from Kam City - Why employee motivation is important!!!

My dearest and adorable friends

Today we will share the Mail of the Year 2015…The one with the highest responses….Enjoy your reading!!!!

The answer to "Why is employee motivation important?" is because in today's down economy, it's more important than ever to have a motivated workforce.

That's because a motivated employee is a productive employee. And a productive employee is a more profitable employee…Thus the more you have profitable employees the more the business is profitable…

However its foolishness to take productive and motivated employees as granted…..Some will say…They are doing the job…Let it go like this….Or using selfishly delaying Tactics!!!!!!

People adopting this attitude are in fact the enemy of the business……

When people aren't motivated, they become less productive, less creative, less of an asset to your company. They perform basic or at most expected…L

When you’re unmotivated it can be hard to accomplish your goals on a normal day. Waking up with a sore throat or noticing that it’s raining might seem like a good idea to take a sick day or personal day.

Whereas motivated employees look forward to coming to work every day. Instead of viewing work as drudgery they must perform to pay their bills, they enjoy the challenge and satisfaction of working on individual and team projects…

There is no such problem that can’t be solved if we really wish to solve it…To solve the problem of DEMOTIVATION…..We should understand what motivates our employees first….

It can be everything from monetary incentives, rewards and recognitions, building programs that support work-life balance, to simply creating a fun, relaxed office environment

But I believe Praise and Recognition plays a major role in motivating and demotivating an employee….A mail sent by your manager to Thank you...or a Well Done message is Good…but NOT ENOUGH…

Making our employees feel rewarded, recognized, and appreciated is no longer optional in this business world…it is in the interest of both a team and more importantly for the business to have motivated employees.

Because let's face it, it makes a lot more sense to retain existing experienced and motivated employees than hiring new ones all the time…

And now  we have outsourcing as an option to hide our amateurism to handle things……it’s like instead of handling your kids you ask your neighbor to take care of them…But time will tell if outsourcing is a short term gain or a long term trap…

Nevertheless, one of the best ways to retain an employee is to make him feel appreciated and valued for the wonderful job he or she is already doing..

Motivated employees are always ready to serre ceinture…Go several extra Kilometers…But till when…. Old French saying…. une seule main ne suffit pas pour applaudir, il en faut au moins deux!!!!!!!!!

Kam City


Tuesday 29 December 2015

Be sure you are of worthy of your recognition

My dearest and adorable friends

 In life we are not certain to win but we must always be true....

 We are not always bound to succeed but we must strive with the means we have....

 And we must always stand with anybody who is right and stand with him till he is right....

And guys don't worry if you are not recognized…...but if ever you are valued be sure you are of worthy of your recognition....

"It is better to live one day as a lion than a hundred years as a sheep." - Italian proverb...

Have a great day!!!


Thursday 24 December 2015

Kam City wishes you a Merry Christmas!!!!

My dearest and adorable friends

It’s Christmas eve….Therefore its celebrations….Therefore its Gifts…It also means full of caring…Forever Peace…And Lots and lots of Love.

And today we will celebrate Christmas in Kam City with the traditional Christmas song….

Dashing through the snow….In a one-horse open sleigh…O'er the fields we go

Laughing all the way…Bells on bobtail ring'…Making spirits bright…What fun it is to ride and sing…A sleighing song tonight!

Jingle bells, jingle bells, Jingle all the way...Oh! what fun it is to ride…In a one-horse open sleigh.

 Jingle bells, jingle bells,…Jingle all the way…Oh! what fun it is to ride….In a one-horse open sleigh.

 It’s never too old to celebrate Christmas…Everyone of us has this little kid feeling still in our heart…and wishing to receive a gift from Father Christmas…J

So my dearest friends of Kam City…let us together bring smile on the face of the people we care and love…

From all the people of Kam City…We wish you a Merry Christmas and also a happy Eid Milad-un-Nabi.

Kam City

Friday 11 December 2015

Oracle Africa Innovation Day

My dearest and adorable friends

Yesterday we had the privilege to attend the Oracle Africa Innovation Day 2015..

Apart from the grandiose organization in terms of logistics, acceuille ,food and giveaways by the World Database Leader.

The focus this year was Cloud Computing…In fact as per the industry experts it is no more to decide whether to go or not to go...It is rather WHEN TO GO!!!!

Local datacenter…investing in local infrastructure…installing of Operating Systems…installing and Patching Databases will be reduced considerably not to say disappear in the very near future…

Infrastructure  and IT guys…Pas dire pas ti dire…

Also what will shortly conquer the whole world will be IOT(Internet of Things)..We are still at Smart TV..but very soon…Smart Fridge…Smart Car…Smart House….everything will be smarter…

 So people in Kam City……We will very shortly embrace a much smarter world… Pas dire pas ti dire

We  were also very extremely pleased to hear  that past mails we shared in the past in Kam City were also mentioned there...

The mail referring to What killed the frog or importance of toilets…Cloud computing…and last but not least World Number one airline New Zealand airways…

 Oracle is not only a sales company but also involved in Community related activities and we were also invited to join in events for the betterment of the society and the world as a whole..

 Much more to share but maybe around a cup of tea with people who rightly attended this highly fruitful event…

Till then have a very great day ahead…

Kam City

Monday 7 December 2015

International Civil Aviation Day - “Working Together to Ensure No Country is Left Behind”

My dearest and adorable friends
As a contributor in the Aviation industry, we could not miss this special day…
In 1996 the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed that 7 December was to be the International Civil Aviation Day.
The day had been celebrated by the International Civil Aviation Organization(ICAO) since 7 December 1994, the 50th anniversary of the signing the Convention on International Civil Aviation.
The purpose of International Civil Aviation Day is to help generate and reinforce worldwide awareness of the importance of international civil aviation to the social and economic development of States, and of the
unique role of ICAO in helping States to cooperate and realize a truly global rapid transit network at the service of all mankind.  
For 2015-2018 inclusive the Council has selected the following theme:  “Working Together to Ensure No Country is Left Behind”
The UN and world nations have embarked on a new era in global sustainable development, the importance of aviation as an engine of global connectivity has never been more
relevant to look to international flight as a fundamental enabler of global peace and prosperity.
May I congratulate all the people in the Aviation Industry for their hard work and dedication, without them the world would never look like a global village.
Have a great week ahead.

Sunday 6 December 2015

Have a nice Sunday Evening

My dearest friends

As life rolls in front of you...

You are placed in front of many situations...

Some situations are pleasant and others are not too pleasant...

When all is well then its easier of course :)

However when situations are tricky then its more like a chess game...

Sloppy minds will find it as a curse whereas stronger minds will use it a step to progress...

At the end of the day you came in this world for some years..

Therefore be it with 1000 people or 100 people or 10 people or 1 people or even alone..

You just have to be positive and happy...

Have a great evening and be happy guys...



Saturday 5 December 2015

Good Morning Friends of the World

My dearest and adorable friends

Wishing you a great Weekend ahead...

The Capital City is full of events since yesterday and till tomorrow night...

Make the most of this exclusive folkloric nights only in PORLWI...

Have a great day ahead.


Friday 4 December 2015

PORLWI by light - Street Closure as from 18:30

My dearest friends

Port Louis will be bright tonight. Enjoy this exceptional Mauritian event...


Wednesday 2 December 2015

International Day for the Abolition of Slavery

My dearest and adorable friends

The 2nd of December marks the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery.

This year's International Day for the Abolition of Slavery comes as the international community is intensifying efforts to eradicate poverty and forge a post-2015 development agenda.

In pursuing these goals, it is vital that we give special consideration to ending modern-day slavery and servitude which affects the poorest, most socially excluded groups - including migrants, women, discriminated ethnic groups, minorities and indigenous peoples.

According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), there are currently an estimated 21 million forced labour victims worldwide, creating US$ 150 billion in illegal profits in the private economy each year.

Nowadays slavery has taken a new shape, confiscating of passports, lured by false promises are still being done by many countries.

However as per UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, there has been important progress in the last year.

A number of countries have acted to combat slavery through stronger domestic legislation and greater coordination. More and more businesses are working to ensure their activities do not cause or contribute to contemporary forms of slavery in the workplace and their supply chains."

Stand against slavery…

 Kam City

Saturday 28 November 2015

Performance is not always associated with money

My dearest and adorable friends

The match of the day is a bizarre one....

Manchester United 20 times Premiership Winners

Leicester City - None

Manchester United is worth 400 Million Pounds whereas Leicester is worth 100 Million Pounds..

And still it is the match of the day...

As always status and history do not is performance on the pitch...

More than a win of 3 points, eyes will be on a record that might be broken...

Jamie Vardy could break a Premier League record by scoring in an 11th consecutive game against the very team that the current holder, Ruud van Nistelrooy, set the benchmark for 12 years ago.

So for this match I will be with show performance is not always associated with money

Kam City


Showkutally Soodhun: «J’ai dit la vérité sur Air Mauritius»

My dearest friends

After a short break...Here we are again...

Je dis les choses sans crainte », lance le vice-Premier ministre Showkutally Soodhun en conférence de presse vendredi après-midi 27 novembre après ses commentaires sur le service à bord des avions de la compagnie nationale d’aviation Air Mauritius.
En conférence de presse mercredi 26 novembre, Showkutally Soodhun n’a pas mâché ses mots : « Air Mauritius c’était enn plezir de vwayaze avan. Azordi, li degradan pou vwayaz dan Air Mauritius ».
La réaction de l’ensemble des employés, à tous les niveaux, ne s’est pas fait attendre. Le téléphone n’a cessé de sonner chez leurs représentants syndicaux.
« J’ai dit la vérité sur ce qu’Air Mauritius est devenue sous Navin Ramgoolam », affirme Showkutally Soodhun en conférence de presse vendredi 27 novembre ; ajoutant que « je maintiens ce que j’ai dit ».
Showkutally Soodhun n’est pas tendre envers des syndicalistes : « Syndika ena toupe demann mo revokation ! »

Source -

Sunday 15 November 2015

Good Morning friends of the world!!!!Peace and Love...

My dearest and adorable friends

It is so sad that so many people are killed around the globe due to hatred.

But hatred cannot eliminate hatred.

So well said by Martin Luthur King Jr , Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that.

Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.

Let us all together walk on the path of Peace and Love for a peaceful and lovely planet.

Wish u a peaceful and lovely Dimanche.

Kam City

Saturday 14 November 2015

Tristes Nouvelles : Horreur à Paris, au moins 120 morts dans des attaques terroristes sans précédent!!!!!

Tristes nouvelles mes amis

Au moins 120 personnes ont été tuées dans plusieurs attaques terroristes sans précédent à Paris et dans le secteur du Stade de France vendredi soir, notamment dans la grande salle de spectacle du Bataclan où a eu lieu une prise d'otages.

Dans la salle de concert du Bataclan, on dénombre une centaine de morts, selon une source policière. Un assaut a été mené par la police peu avant 00H30 et s'est terminé vers 01H00. Trois assaillants présumés ont été tués selon des sources policières.

Interrogée peu après 22 h 30 [heure française], la préfecture de police dénombrait « au moins trois fusillades, peut-être quatre dans le secteur du Bataclan (11e arrondissement) et rue de Charonne (10e arrondissement) ».

Pfffffffff...Violences...Pourquoi...Pour combine encore...

Mes sinceres condoleances...

Peace and Love...


Friday 13 November 2015

La fille du leader du Party Malin retrouvée!!!!

Bonne Nouvelles!!!!

Le leader du Party Malin, Dhanrajsingh Aubeeluck, est soulagé.

Sa fille, Jyoti, 16 ans, portée manquante depuis lundi, a été retrouvée  vendredi matin 13 novembre à Mont-Roches.

Happy ending!!!


We want sweetness in our life and not diabetes!!!!

My dearest and adorable friends
World Diabetes Day is the primary global awareness campaign held on November 14 each year to sensitize people about this silent killer called DIABETES
The blue circle is the universal symbol for diabetes.
Nearly 2500 deaths related to Diabetes in Mauritius last year…And already a long list of  130K diabetes patients and WorldHealthOrganisation predicts that it will reach 230 K in 2030.
But friends are we willingly going to embrace this silent killer in your life…Noooooooooooooooooo….We want sweetness in our life and not Diabetes!!!!
Diabetes disturbs your everyday life and makes you prone to many other complicated diseases too L
So Guys and Gals…LET US FIGHT AGAINST DIABETES….At least for today and during the weekend…NO SUGAR PLEASE and NO SOFT DRINKS
AND for our friends in EBENE…why not a walk to INTERMARTE (Pas retourne dans van aster)…a little exercise is never too much!!!!!
There is an old jargon in IT…To make maximum use of an asset we say…Sweat the Assets…
And if you want your body to operate at its best…YOU WILL HAVE TO MOVE IT...
Have a great weekend

Thursday 12 November 2015

Air Mauritius : € 5, 7 M de profits en trois mois

Mes amis

La compagnie d’aviation nationale a enregistré des profits de € 5, 7 M de juillet à septembre 2015, soit son meilleur résultat pour le deuxième trimestre depuis ces dernières années.

C’est ce qu’a annoncé Air Mauritius ce jeudi 12 novembre. Les profits de € 5, 7 M comptent aussi l’effet du hedging effectué l’année dernière au montant de € 8, 3 M. L’année dernière, MK avait réalisé 0, 6 M en guise de profits pour la même période. Cela dit, s’il n’y avait pas eu le hedging, MK aurait réalisé des profits à la hauteur de € 14 M cette année.

Cependant, le résultat net du trimestre n’a pu bénéficier pleinement de la baisse du prix du carburant ($ 56, 2 le baril contre $ 107, 9 pendant la même période en 2014). Raison : les conséquences du hedging et le taux euro/dollar trop faible, soit à 1, 11.

D’autre part, au niveau de MK, on fait ressortir que ces résultats se présentent dans un contexte de concurrence féroce avec l’arrivée de plusieurs transporteurs qui exploitent les mêmes marchés touristiques. Et que malgré la pression continue sur les prix des billets, MK y résiste «grâce à une gestion plus rigoureuse de ses coûts et aux efforts soutenus pour un meilleur rapport qualité et prix».

Par ailleurs, le chiffre d’affaires a aussi connu une croissance de 5,1 % pour ce deuxième trimestre, d’année à année, pour passer à 131,1 millions d’euros. MK a, en effet, offert un nombre plus important de sièges, soit plus de 4, 5 % et a transporté 382 600 personnes pendant cette période.

La compagnie d’aviation nationale enregistre ainsi une croissance de 11, 7 % du nombre de passagers et de 6, 1 points du taux de remplissage, atteignant donc les 80, 4 %.

Keep it up MK.

Kam City

The downfall of Chelsea Football Club!!!!!WHAT IS MISSING????

My dearest and adorable friends

Today we will talk about Chelsea Football Club….Last year Premiership Champions and today 16th of the League and still paining to win a match.

Same stadium, Same players, Same manager…But still the name Chelsea FC no longer intimidates the other teams…

Every tangibles are still there but  WHAT IS MISSING????

What is missing is MOTIVATION….What is missing is SELF-BELIEF…What is missing is TRUST….What is missing is TEAM SPIRIT

Neither the name of the Team, Chelsea FC guarantees productivity on the pitch…Nor the name of the Manager Jose Mourinho assures success.

What makes Chelsea FC name shine is the delivery of its core resources on the pitch. If the players plays well…they win their match and if not then there is a problem.

The intangibles like MOTIVATION,SELF-BELIEF,TRUST and TEAM SPIRIT should never be neglected or taken for granted. In fact the stronger they are the better is productivity.

Because once Respect, Trust, Motivation, Team Spirit is gone then people work as BASIC or EXPECTED...But you lose the extra miles they used to do…

It is that extra motivation and willingness to go several extra miles that will make the team or any company edge their competitors…As the Manchester United fans called it THE FERGIE TIME..

We should always ensure the intangibles remain a solid backbone else embarking in big costly projects will surely ’Brule nu les doigts’

It is like Chelsea FC trying to win the European Champions League when they can’t even win a match in the domestic League.

Have a great day.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

This is called a Divali Gift - Air Mauritius renoue avec la profitabilité

We are back....

La compagnie nationale d’aviation va informer les membres de son conseil d’administration jeudi que les pertes font partie du passé. Les profits pour le deuxième trimestre 2015 seraient « confortables ».

Le sourire revient chez Air Mauritius. La performance de la compagnie durant le deuxième trimestre de 2015 devrait lui permettre de renouer avec les profits. La nouvelle sera communiquée aux membres du conseil d’administration de la compagnie nationale d’aviation lors de leur réunion prévue pour jeudi. Elle fera également l’objet d’une conférence de presse le même jour. Selon nos sources, le profit réalisé serait « confortable », après des pertes de près de Rs 1 milliard pour l’année financière 2014-2015 et d’environ Rs 400 millions pour le premier trimestre de 2015-2016.

« Les mesures prises pour éviter le crash commencent à rapporter leurs fruits. Le troisième trimestre sera cependant un vrai challenge », confie un proche du dossier.

Kam City

The first bite of homemade Gato Patate is sublime!!!!

Dearest friends

Hope you are having fun for this Divali.

If you are still in the kitchen...Hope you are enjoying every moment of this unique experience.

Happy Divali

Kam City

Happy Diwali!!!!!!The Festival of Lights and abundance of Gato Patates too :)

My dearest and adorable friends

Diwali or Deepavali, certainly the biggest and the brightest of all Hindu festivals...also referred as the "festival of lights" celebrated on second lunar day of the bright fortnight of the Hindu calendar month Kartik.

The name Diwali is a contraction of "Deepavali" (Sanskrit: दीपावली Dīpāvalī), which translates into "row of lamps".

Diwali involves the lighting of small clay lamps filled with oil to signify the return of Lord Rama along with Sita and Lakshman from his fourteen year long exile and vanquishing the demon-king Ravana.

During Diwali, all the celebrants wear new clothes and share sweets and snacks with family members and friends and fire crackers during the night.

In Mauritius...Diwali is a National festival and we all celebrate it together in a spirit of brotherhood…as explained by our Prime Minister.(Extract from Defimedia)

Le Premier ministre a expliqué que la fête Divali « transcende toutes les barrières ». « C’est une fête nationale. L’accent est mis sur le partage. Dans notre société multiethnique, le partage est important pour l’épanouissement »

So Divali festival is yet another opportunity to further strenghen our relationships for us to progress but more importantly to always live in Peace and Harmony. As we say « L'unité dans la diversité »

Apart from seeing the beautiful decorated lighted houses...we just can’t miss the cakes and especially THE 'Gato patate'.....But do eat with moderation…enfin si capave :)

I know many friends who will eat no limits and then rush for a green tea :)

Kam City wish you all….Loads of Happiness…Wealth...Peace…Health…Joy…Prosperity and of course lots of Love for this Special Diwali 2015 :)

Monday 9 November 2015

The 61st most powerful woman in the world by Forbes

My dearest and adorable friends

Today we will talk of a Political figure unknown to many of us…

She received the Rafto Prize(Norway) and the Sakharov Prize(Russia) for Freedom of Thought in 1990 and the Nobel Peace Prize in 1991.

In 1992 she was awarded the Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding by the government of India and the International Simón Bolívar Prize from the government of Venezuela.

In 2012, the Government of Pakistan awarded her Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Award For Democracy.

In 2007, the Government of Canada made her an honorary citizen of that country, the fourth person ever to receive the honour.

In 2011, she was awarded the Wallenberg Medal. On 19 September 2012, she was also presented with the Congressional Gold Medal, which is, along with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honour in the United States.

And as of 2014, she is listed as the 61st most powerful woman in the world by Forbes…She is Aung San Suu Kyi from Burma.

Worldly recognition to this outstanding lady, a follower of Mahatma Gandhi philosophy of non-violence and also a disciple of Buddhism.

In spite of being placed under house arrest for 15 of the past 21 years, on numerous occasions. She finally made history by winning the elections of Burma.

Congratulation to her and all the people of Burma.

Kam City





Sunday 8 November 2015

At the end Palace fans were chanting "You must be sick of us," and "Can we play you every week?"

Good night friends of the world...

Under the rain of Liverpool...

Crystal palace proved again to be the dark Eagle of the Reds...

Not only did it inflict Klopp's first loss after three wins and three draws,

but it also ended Liverpool's longest unbeaten run -- 12 matches -since September 2013.

But the League is not over yet...many more surprises to come...

Kam City

Good Sunday friends of the World!!!!

My dearest and adorable friends

It is Sunday...

Why not say Krishna Krishna Bol...Radhe Radhe Bol...

Be it in any religion..

Starting the day with the name of God...not only makes your day...

But brings a soothing peace and a humble heart...

Thanks to the Almighty for always being here for everyone...

Hare Krishna..Hare Krisna..Krishna Krishna Hare Hare..Hare Ram Hare Ram..Ram Ram Hare Hare

Kam City


Saturday 7 November 2015

Good Morning Friends of the World

My dearest friends

In life you can neither please everybody and nor can everyone make you happy..

To be happy and to enjoy life...surround yourself with people who bring happiness in your life...

As we say in creole sak dipain rassi ena so fromage gate...

Make you sure you are surrounded by the right people and enjoy your life.

Have a great day.



Thursday 5 November 2015

Learning to inspire yourself..

My dearest and adorable friends

Today’s topic of discussion is Learning to inspire yourself…from Tsun-yan Hsieh the Director Emeritus at McKinsey & Company and also member of Board of Directors of Sony Corporation.

To become self-inspired, we should build three reinforcing processes within us - The evolving self, The congruent self and The courageous self.

Evolving self occurs when one seeks to push forward to his full potential by willing to shed elements of their old self and induct new (and better) elements into their inner core.

Some people change as a result of their responses to life events; others put in the hard work to evolve to become a better person and/or leader.

Yet, many remain stuck well below their potential because they are too happy in their comfort zone or too 'Poule mouiller' to shed the skin in which we have grown accustomed.

Evolving self is therefore the recognition, desire and action towards continuous learning about yourself.

Congruent self begins with the resolution to be true to oneself. In other words: I say what I think, what I think is how I feel, and how I feel is who I am.

When you pretend to be someone and you are not person then this dampens the full emotional response to an inspiration and also blocks the urge to act on it.

 It takes inner strength, courage and hard work to reveal the truth about one’s self.

Finally Courageous self is the resolution to act consistently with our congruent self, even in situations that harbor significant risk.

Tsun-yan says whistle-blowers reporting corporate wrongdoing: they know that by speaking up they risk being discredited, oppressed, and even made unemployable.

But their will to abide by their own values in the face of adversity inspires them to act for the greater good...

Inspiring self is integral to the never-ending journey of becoming a better leader… A better person...and more importantly a better human being.

Kam City wishes a great day ahead.

Communique speciale: Temps pluvieux et orageuses ce Jeudi 05 jusqu'a Vendredi 06 Novembre 2015


Le temps deviendra nuageux a couvert sur toute L'ile Maurice avec averses eparses surtout au Sud, a l'Ouest et sur le Plateau Central.

Les averses deviendront plus frequentes dans l' apres-midi et seront moderees a fortes par moments accompagnees d'orages.

Le temps pluvieux persistera jusqu'a Vendredi matin.

Des poches de brouillards seront presentes sur les terrains eleves.


Wednesday 4 November 2015

Mic Gujadhur: «CEO d’Air Mauritius, oui mais…»

Selon Mic Gujadhur , ancien directeur des ressources humaines a MK
Je suis prêt à aider, bien que je ne cherche pas à faire carrière.» Mic Gujadhur, ancien directeur des ressources humaines d’Air Mauritius, s’est dit disposé à occuper le poste de Chief Executive Officer de la compagnie nationale d’aviation.
Mais à certaines conditions. Notamment que les politiciens ne se mêlent pas de son travail.
Mic Gujadhur participait à un forum-débat organisé par les syndicats d’Air Mauritius, le mercredi 4 novembre. Toutefois, interrogé par les journalistes après l’exercice, il a tempéré ses propos. «Je suis libre mais je n’ai pas soumis ma candidature. Je suis disposé à aider dans la mesure du possible. La situation est bien grave mais nous pouvons nous en sortir», a-t-il indiqué.
Selon Mic Gujadhur, le secteur de l’aviation devrait connaître une importante croissance dans les années à venir. Il devait citer un rapport de l’Organisation de l’aviation civile internationale, indiquant que si en 2010, il y avait 61 333 avions en circulation, ce chiffre devrait plus que doubler en 2030.
«Europe is the past, China is the present and Africa is the future», estime-t-il. La région africaine aura ainsi besoin de pilotes. L’ancien directeur des ressources humaines a proposé au gouvernement d’ouvrir une école de formation aux normes internationales et qui serait reconnue par l’Union européenne. «Ce projet peut s’insérer dans le programme gouvernemental de faire de Maurice un Educational Hub.» Dans un premier temps, des aircraft maintenance technicians pourront être formés.
«Je me lasse de dire qu’outre le duty free, on peut vendre nos compétences dans le domaine de la maintenance et aussi avoir un spare parts shop», a souligné Mic Gujadhur. Selon lui, le plus grand problème au sein d’Air Mauritius est le «mismanagement».

Source -

All Blacks the first team to win three Rugby World Cups

My dearest and adorable friends

The 2015 Rugby World Cup was the eighth Rugby World Cup, the quadrennial rugby union world championship. The tournament was hosted by England from 18 September to 31 October.

 Facing their close rival Australia in the finals of the Rugby World Cup last Saturday, New Zealand's All Blacks are now back-to-back champions, winning 34-17.

Not only New Zealand cemented their status as the dominant force in rugby today, they also made a historic win making the All Blacks the first team to win three World Cups.

However associated to these legendary All Blacks is the inseparable Haka…The icon of New Zealand.

Tomorrow we will explore this traditional Maori dance…The force of the All Blacks.

 Till then Kam City wishes you a very nice day…

Monday 2 November 2015


My dearest and adorable friends
Today the 2nd November 2015 marks the 181st anniversary of the arrival of the first indentured Indian immigrants in Mauritius.
It is also a public holiday of national commemoration because it is a day of deep reflection on the great toils and struggles of the indentured labourers and their contribution in the fashioning of Mauritius.
The arrival of coolies is the particular event that is honored each year at the Aapravasi Ghat.
In 1950, Dr Brenda Howell, a British historian, called these first Indian labourers as the pioneers of a migration which eventually transformed the character of Mauritian life and industry.
We are reaping sweetly what they have sown.
Have a great day.

Sunday 1 November 2015

Air Mauritius: pourquoi le CEO n’a pas été désigné!!!!

Mes amis...

On doit attendre encore pour notre CEO...

Nous voulons le meilleur pour Air Mauritius. Comme nous avions des doutes, nous avons préféré ne pas désigner de nouveau CEO pour l’heure.» C’est la première explication qui a émané du conseil d’administration de la compagnie aérienne nationale, le vendredi 30 octobre, après qu’elle n’a pas trouvé la perle rare.

Le board de MK qui s’était réuni en fin d’après-midi n’a trouvé aucun des candidats présélectionnés «suitable» pour prendre les commandes de la compagnie aérienne nationale, a appris l’express de la direction d’Air Mauritius. Il n’était pas confiant que le candidat le plus apte de la course allait pouvoir atteindre l’objectif fixé. C’est-à-dire refaire décoller MK, surtout après les pertes de près de Rs 1 milliard enregistrées durant la dernière année financière.

Full report on link below:

Saturday 31 October 2015

New Zealand make Rugby World Cup history with enthralling 34-17 win over Australia

Dearest friends

New Zealand make Rugby World Cup history with enthralling 34-17 win over Australia.

The All Blacks were given a Halloween night fright by the Wallabies, who battled their way back from 21-3 with two tries to get within four points of Richie McCaw's side at 21-17

But the cool boot of man of the match Dan Carter nudged the All Blacks ahead to give them breathing space at 27-17, before Beauden Barrett sealed matters with a length-of-the-field kick and chase in the 79th minute, converted by - who else? - Carter for a 34-17 final scoreline.

So at the end of the day Air New Zealand had the better of Qantas :)

Good Night friends of  Kam City

Good Morning friends of the world!!!!

My dearest friends

We are already on the last day of October...

Hope this makes your day...

Never stop doing your best just because someone does not give you credit...

Take life as it comes...with all its good and bad times..

Enjoy your good moments and learn from the bad ones...

Kam City

Desserte aérienne: baptême du feu pour Austrian Airlines

Mes chers amis de Kam City

Une première pour la compagnie aérienne autrichienne Austrian Airlines.

Son avion s’est posé à Maurice peu après 6h30, le vendredi 30 octobre, avec à son bord 199 passagers.

Ils viennent principalement de Vienne et de pays d’Europe de l’Est.

Ils ont passé les portes de l’aéroport de Plaisance au son des ravannes. Et ont été accueillis par des danseuses qui leur ont remis des guirlandes de fleurs.

Austrian Airlines opérera des vols sur une base hebdomadaire. Toutefois, à partir de décembre et jusqu’au 31 mars 2016, soit pendant la haute saison touristique, deux vols par semaine sont prévus

.Bienvenue a l'ile Maurice...

Kam City

Air Mauritius: ni Baguant, ni Tilmann nommé au poste de CEO

Mes amis

Toujours pas de nouveau Chief Executive Officer (CEO) pour diriger la compagnie d’aviation

Le conseil d’administration qui s’est réuni cet après-midi, vendredi 30 octobre, n’a retenu aucun candidat à ce poste.

Ce, alors que la direction était longtemps divisée entre Sushil Baguant et l’Allemand Gabriel Tilmann. Du coup, Rajah Button continuera à assurer l’intérim au poste de CEO.


Kam City

Friday 30 October 2015

Tribute to the indentured labourers of Mauritius!!!!

My dearest and adorable friends
The 2nd November 2015 marks the 181st anniversary of the arrival of the first indentured Indian immigrants in Mauritius.
It is also a public holiday of national commemoration because it is a day of deep reflection on the great toils and struggles of the indentured labourers and their contribution in the fashioning of Mauritius.
The arrival of coolies is the particular event that is honored each year at the Aapravasi Ghat.
In 1950, Dr Brenda Howell, a British historian, called these first Indian labourers as the pioneers of a migration which eventually transformed the character of Mauritian life and industry.
Furthermore, during the first period of the indenture system, between November 1834 and May 1839, around 25 468 Indians were introduced into our island.
Let us not let their effort go waste and together we walk on the path of righteousness for an even better Mauritius.
Again and Again I will share this famous speech from Abdul Kalam in the EU Parliament …so much truth in it…
If there is righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in the character….If there is beauty in the character, there will be harmony in the home.
If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nations…And when there is order in the nations, there will peace in the world.”
Enjoy your long weekend…

Thursday 29 October 2015

Air Mauritius :Frustrations grandissante chez les pilotes!!!!

Alors que le conseil d’administration désignera son Chief Executive Officer (CEO) demain, vendredi 30 octobre Air Mauritius (MK) se retrouve dans une nouvelle zone de turbulences. Cette fois-ci, c’est le coeur même de la compagnie aérienne, soit la communauté des pilotes, qui monte au créneau. Dans une correspondance adressée au président Arjoon Suddhoo en date du 14 septembre, les deux syndicats de pilotes, la Mauritian Air Line Pilots’ Association (MALPA) et l’Airline Employees’ Association (AEA), s’insurgent contre le fait que la restructuration du département Flight Operations annoncée cette année se fasse toujours attendre.

La MALPA et l’AEA rappellent que lors de leur dernière réunion conjointe avec l’ancien CEO André Viljoen et l’Executive Vice-President de Flight Operations Garth Gray, il leur a été dit que le nouveau conseil d’administration a donné son feu vert pour une réorganisation de leur département. Il était notamment question de réduire le nombre de commandants occupant des postes de directeur de 17 à huit.

Les deux syndicats sont même allés jusqu’à calculer les économies que générera une telle restructuration. À savoir, approximativement Rs 40 millions (1 million d’euros) par an.

D’autre part, préviennent-ils, Air Mauritius se retrouvera à court de huit commandants A330/A340 à partir de décembre. Ce, comme cela a été annoncé lors de la réunion du Rostering Committee en août.

Selon la communauté des pilotes, il est urgent de réduire le nombre de commandants- directeurs pour permettre à ces derniers de voler à nouveau comme la grande majorité de leurs collègues commandants de bord au sein de ce département. Sans compter que cela allégera la charge de travail sur les autres.


Si la situation perdure, «la conséquence directe sera l’impossibilité d’allouer des congés annuels aux pilotes comme il n’y aura pas de marge de manoeuvre. Ce qui en retour pourrait avoir un impact important sur la fatigue et la sécurité», écrit la communauté des pilotes.

«Le changement de CEO et la durée des procédures de  sélection ne peuvent plus être acceptés comme des raisons expliquant l’absence de décision au niveau exécutif, surtout avec l’actuelle situation financière catastrophique de la compagnie», ajoutent encoreles deux syndicats.

Par la même occasion, la MALPA et l’AEA déplorent le fait qu’aucune décision finale n’a encore été arrêtée concernant les deux commandants suspendus depuis juin dernier. C’est-à-dire Pramil Banymandhub et Alain Leung Hin Wah. Ces deux derniers, disent-ils, ont chacun une licence pour voler qui n’est pas utilisée : «Quel que soit le fond de leur suspension, tout ce qu’on demande nous, c’est de prendre une décision une bonne fois pour toutes», fait-on ressortir du côté des deux syndicats approchés hier.

Sollicité tard hier soir, Arjoon Suddhoo nous a fait comprendre qu’il était occupé et de le rappeler. Mais il est, par la suite, resté injoignable.


Six Reasons Your Best Employees Quit!!!!

My dearest and adorable friends
It is always a mixed feeling when a long serving employee leaves the company…With a departure so goes the long years of experience and leaving an emptiness that will take years to fill…
As per Forbes…These are the reasons why good employees leave their job….
1. No Vision
Successful managers sell their employees on a vision of the future. When vision is blurred then automatically future is doomed….
2 .No Connection To The Big Picture
Gallup’s Q12 employee engagement survey asks the following question: “The mission or purpose of my company makes me feel my job is important.” Their extensive research shows that there is a direct correlation between how employees rate that one question and employee retention, customer metrics, productivity, and profitability. Gallup concludes that “The best workplaces give their employees a sense of purpose, help them feel they belong, and enable them to make a difference.”
3) No Empathy
Instead of always avoiding your people…Take the time to listen to them.
This is not just talk therapy – they should leave the conversation believing that you will take whatever action may be helpful and possible or at least logically explain why nothing can be done. But by leaving your door open to employee concerns and suggestions, leaders encourage them to feel that they have a stake in an organization that considers them important and cares enough to listen.
4) No (Effective) Motivation
A motivated employee is a productive employee. And a productive employee is a more profitable employee…Thus the more you have profitable employees the more the business is profitable…
5) No Future
Creating career paths that are well communicated and understood by employees is not something most companies do well. Even in the best-case scenario where managers are holding regular performance reviews with their employee, employees often don’t understand how to move either horizontally or vertically in an organization.
6) No Fun
For businesses, this means that attracting, engaging, and retaining top talent depends on reinventing their work environments, blurring the line between work and play. Companies must embrace a culture of increased autonomy and innovation, and engage employees around a powerful mission and purpose.
When it is no longer fun to work it also lead to increase absenteeism.
Have a great day…

Tuesday 27 October 2015

What do you regret in life....

My dearest and adorable friends

Today we will share an extract of a reply of Jack Ma,executive chairman of Alibaba Group, a family of highly successful Internet-based businesses.

 He is the first mainland Chinese entrepreneur to appear on the cover of Forbes and as of November 2014, he is the richest man in China.

A question came from a teenager from the crowd...Mr Jack Ma...What do you regret in life....

His answer was so genuine...

I regret I worked so hard...and i spent so less time with my family...

And I regret that if I have another life I would never do things like this....My wife said to me..You do not belong to me you belong to the Alibaba...

You know life is so short...People have their own views...

Some people think you are rich you are successful....Maybe Not...

Some people say this guy does not have money..he is a terrible guy...Maybe Not

Everyone has his own life....and happiness is what matters in life....

It's too late to regret...Forget the regret...You still have twenty to thirty years in front of you...Enjoy the show...

Don't just exist...Live your life....

MK: le projet de ligne aérienne régionale ne séduit pas les syndicats

«D’un côté, le gouvernement encourage Air Mauritius à se tourner vers des destinations touristiques haut de gamme. De l’autre, il veut faire aboutir le projet concernant la ligne aérienne régionale. C’est une contradiction», affirme Maheshwar Ram, le président de l’intersyndicale de la compagnie nationale d’aviation. Une assemblée générale a eu lieu le lundi 26 octobre. Les membres des cinq syndicats disent avoir été informés qu’une étude en vue de réaliser le projet Regional Airline a été lancée.

Pour Maheshwar Ram, ce projet risque d’avoir un impact négatif sur le court et le long terme. Les syndicats affirment qu’ils prendront des actions contre toute décision qui pourrait compromettre l’avenir de la compagnie.

L’intersyndicale organisera, le mercredi 4 novembre, une conférence à l’université de Maurice. A l’agenda: la situation à Air Mauritius mais aussi au sein d’autres organismes parapublics. Plusieurs personnes ressources, dont Roshi Bhadain, devraient être présentes. Suite à la conférence des propositions seront émises à la direction de MK.

Source :

Life is so ironic!!!

My dearest friends

Life is so ironic at times....

It takes Sadness to know Happiness..

Noise to appreciate Silence...

And Absence to value presence...

Value and appreciate every moment of your life...

Because Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara :)

Kam City

Monday 26 October 2015

Jane Constance - The Pride of the Nation

My dearest and adorable friends

I believe everyone of us is very proud with the extraordinary achievement of our Golden Voice..

 Jane Constance won both the voice of kids on TF1 last week and she also won the hearts of so many people.

The whole nation is very honored with this triumph as she made our Quadricolore fly high in the sky of Paris, full of pride and honour.

With Jane we learnt that where there is a will there is a way….and only continuous effort and perseverance brings success.

We all wish her Good luck in her new endeavors and may she be the right Ambassador of our motherland, Mauritius.

Have a great Monday.

 Kam City

Sunday 25 October 2015

Meteo Maurice - Fortes averses orageuses au Sud et sur le Plateau Central

Communique special de la meteo pour Maurice emis a 14h00 ce Dimanche 27 Octobre 2015.

En ce moment, il y a de fortes averses a St. Aubin, La Flora, Rose-belle, Curepipe, Grand Bassin et Vacoas provoquant des accumulations d'eaux dans ces endroits et une reduction de la visibilite.

Ce temps pourrait deborder dans d'autres regions en fin de journee.

Le public est fortement conseille d'etre prudent lors des sorties.

Des poches de brouillard seront presentes dans ces endroits et pourraient reduire la visibilite.  La plus haute prudence est reccommendee aux usagers de la route.

En cas d'orages, le public est avise de rester dans un lieu protege, deviter les plaines et les sorties en mer et de ne pas s'abriter sous les arbres.

Kam City

Keep improving to be a better you everyday!!!!

Good Morning friends of the World...

Who you are in the world does not depend on the opinions of others....

What is important is who you are within yourself...

Everyday you have the chance to embark in the creation of a new you...

Keep improving to be a better you everyday...

Bon Dimanche!!!

Kam City

Saturday 24 October 2015

Good Morning Friends of the World!!!!

My dearest and adorable friends

Staying Positive in stressful condition s is not about fooling yourself...

It's just understanding negativity is a complete waste of energy...

Be Positive and focus on the blessings of life...

Have a great weekend.

Kam City

Friday 23 October 2015

The CEO!!!!

My dearest and adorable friends

CEO on this special day of 23rd October 2015 means a lot to us and together we will explore the word CEO….

A chief executive officer (CEO in American English) or managing director (MD in British English) describes the position of the most senior corporate officer, executive, or administrator in charge of managing a non-profit or for-profit organization.

The CEO of a corporation or company typically reports to the board of directors.

Titles also often given to the holder of the CEO position include president and chief executive (CE).

Earlier in the century, top executives were more likely to have technical degrees in science and engineering or law.

However according to a study by Carola Frydman of MIT, from 1936 to the early 2000s there has been a rapid increase in the share of CEOs holding an MBA; from approximately 10% of CEOs in 1960 to more than 50% by the end of the century.

As of 2014, there were also 24 female CEOs in Fortune 500 companies, which is a record 4.8%.

And the world most powerful CEO is……………………Bill Gates

 Wish you all a great Friday…

Thursday 22 October 2015

Being Always Positive!!!!

My dearest friends of Kam City

Life is neither a bed of roses nor a mattress full of thorns....

There is a little of everything in life...

A little of positivity will make your life better...It's just a question of attitude...

Kam City

Good Evening friends of the world!!!

My dearest friends

Even when life present you millions of hurdles....

Get your mind off your problems and focus on your blessings...

And work towards your dream...Even if alone...

Life is nothing but to be happy...



Singapore Changi Airport - A reference in itself!!!!

My dearest and adorable friends
With our National carrier increasingly being linked with our Singapore friends. Today we will talk on the World's Best Airport as per Skytrax 2015
Singapore Changi Airport , or simply Changi Airport, is the primary civilian airport for Singapore, and one of the largest transportation hubs in Southeast Asia.
It is one of the world's busiest airports by international passenger traffic and cargo traffic.
Changi Airport serves more than 100 airlines flying to some 300 cities in about 80 countries and territories worldwide including our paradise island, Mauritius.
Each week, about 6,600 flights land or depart from Changi, or about one every 90 seconds, with close to 54.1 million passengers passing through the airport in 2014.
Working with such a partner is more than a privilege.
And as our Prime Minister rightly said All employees of Air Mauritius need to show patriotism and collaborate fully to make this project a success.
It is a golden opportunity for Air Mauritius to improve its productivity and fully play its part as our National Airline.
Together let us make it happen.

Wednesday 21 October 2015

Confirmed: CSKA Moscow v Manchester Utd line-ups: Lingard over Depay

Dearest Football Fans

Manchester United are looking for their second consecutive Champions League win this evening.

After a defeat in their opening game away to PSV Eindhoven, United bounced back by beating Wolfsburg at Old Trafford in their last match.

Long trips to Russia are never easy, but United go there on a high after an impressive away win over Everton 3-0, which featured goals from Morgan Schneiderlin, Ander Herrera and captain Wayne Rooney.

CSKA Moscow have also won one and lost one, and will all four teams on the group tied on three points after two games, this match could be a pivotal encounter.

Already the Russian side have matched their win tally from last season's group stage, by beating PSV in their last match, having one just one of six games last season.

United will want to record a win but also have one eye on the vital clash with Manchester City on Sunday, who play in the Champions League tomorrow night.

CSKA Moscow lineup

  • Igor Akinfeev
  • Vasili Berezutski
  • Mário Fernandes
  • Sergei Ignashevich
  • Georgi Schennikov
  • Alan Dzagoev
  • Roman Eremenko
  • Zoran Tošić
  • Pontus Wernbloom
  • Seydou Doumbia
  • Ahmed Musa
Substitutes: Sergei Chepchugov, Aleksei Berezutski, Kirill Nababkin, Aleksandrs Cauņa, Aleksandr Golovin, Georgi Milanov, Kirill Panchenko.

Man Utd lineup

  • David de Gea
  • Phil Jones
  • Marcos Rojo
  • Chris Smalling
  • Ander Herrera
  • Jesse Lingard
  • Morgan Schneiderlin
  • Bastian Schweinsteiger
  • Antonio Valencia
  • Anthony Martial
  • Wayne Rooney
Substitutes: Sergio Romero, Matteo Darmian, Daley Blind, Michael Carrick, Marouane Fellaini, Juan Mata, Memphis Depay

« L’accord historique » entre Air Mauritius et Changi Airport de Singapour et Singapour Airlines

Mes amis

« L’accord historique » entre Air Mauritius et Changi Airport de Singapour et Singapour Airlines

annoncé par le Premier ministre sir Anerood Jugnauth en conférence de presse mercredi 21 octobre


A new dawn for Air Mauritius....

Let's hope so...and we wish everyone Good Luck for this Project...

Together we will make it happen!!!!

Kam City

If there is righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in the character.

My dearest and adorable friends

 Today we will share a post many of my friends shared on FB.

 In this materialistic world…where the dream of most people is to make money…more money…and even more money…

We forget how we should behave in society…We shout to intimidate…We try to impose our power by hook or by crook...Is it how humans are supposed to live????

In Japanese schools, the students don’t get any exams until they reach grade 4(The age of 10)…But Why????

Because the goal for the first 3 years of schools is NOT to judge the child’s knowledge or learning, but to establish good manners and to develop a beautiful character!!!

I will end today’s mail with this beautiful speech of Abdul Kalam…So much truth…

“If there is righteousness in the heart, there will be beauty in the character. If there is beauty in the character, there will be harmony in the home.

 If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nations. When there is order in the nations, there will peace in the world.”

 Kam City

Tuesday 20 October 2015

Arsenal versus Bayern Lineups

Arsenal unchanged from Watford

Arsene Wenger has named the exact same team that beat Watford 3-0 on Saturday afternoon.

Walcott starts!


Cech, Bellerin, Mertesacker, Koscielny, Monreal, Coquelin, Cazorla, Ramsey, Alexis, Ozil, Walcott
Subs: Macey, Debuchy, Chambers, Gibbs, Arteta, Oxlade-Chamberlain, Giroud Bayern team news

Pep Guardiola's team for tonight:

Neuer; Lahm, Boateng, Alaba, Bernat; Alonso, Vidal, Thiago Alcantara; Muller, Douglas Costa, Lewandowski

The Germans have lined up with a fluid 3-3-1-3 formation in most games this season.

This lineup looks like that's set to continue here tonight.

Bon Match friends!!!!!

Good Night friends of the world!!!!

My dearest and adorable friends

As life goes on....

You will understand that not everyone will understand your journey....THAT'S OK

The truth is that..

You are here to live your life and not to make everyone understand....

Peace and Love

Kam City


CEO Air Mauritius Limited...

A la une d’#InfoBusiness du mardi 20 octobre: la nomination du nouveau Chief Executive Officer d’Air Mauritius devrait être ratifiée par le conseil d’administration.Les deux noms les plus cités sont ceux de Sushil Baguant et de l’Allemand Gabriel Tilmann.

Best of Luck....

Monday 19 October 2015

Wishing you a happy rainy Monday…

My dearest and adorable friends
Good Morning!!!
With the right mix of self-awareness…creative contributions…loving relationships..
And a regular dose of physical vitality and spiritual gratitude…
We rise from circumstantial happiness to a joyful being..
Life is nothing but being happy…
Some get it by dining in Taj hotel others by having a tea in hotel Maraz down the corner of the road…
Wishing you a happy rainy Monday…