Thursday 29 October 2015

Six Reasons Your Best Employees Quit!!!!

My dearest and adorable friends
It is always a mixed feeling when a long serving employee leaves the company…With a departure so goes the long years of experience and leaving an emptiness that will take years to fill…
As per Forbes…These are the reasons why good employees leave their job….
1. No Vision
Successful managers sell their employees on a vision of the future. When vision is blurred then automatically future is doomed….
2 .No Connection To The Big Picture
Gallup’s Q12 employee engagement survey asks the following question: “The mission or purpose of my company makes me feel my job is important.” Their extensive research shows that there is a direct correlation between how employees rate that one question and employee retention, customer metrics, productivity, and profitability. Gallup concludes that “The best workplaces give their employees a sense of purpose, help them feel they belong, and enable them to make a difference.”
3) No Empathy
Instead of always avoiding your people…Take the time to listen to them.
This is not just talk therapy – they should leave the conversation believing that you will take whatever action may be helpful and possible or at least logically explain why nothing can be done. But by leaving your door open to employee concerns and suggestions, leaders encourage them to feel that they have a stake in an organization that considers them important and cares enough to listen.
4) No (Effective) Motivation
A motivated employee is a productive employee. And a productive employee is a more profitable employee…Thus the more you have profitable employees the more the business is profitable…
5) No Future
Creating career paths that are well communicated and understood by employees is not something most companies do well. Even in the best-case scenario where managers are holding regular performance reviews with their employee, employees often don’t understand how to move either horizontally or vertically in an organization.
6) No Fun
For businesses, this means that attracting, engaging, and retaining top talent depends on reinventing their work environments, blurring the line between work and play. Companies must embrace a culture of increased autonomy and innovation, and engage employees around a powerful mission and purpose.
When it is no longer fun to work it also lead to increase absenteeism.
Have a great day…

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