Friday 11 December 2015

Oracle Africa Innovation Day

My dearest and adorable friends

Yesterday we had the privilege to attend the Oracle Africa Innovation Day 2015..

Apart from the grandiose organization in terms of logistics, acceuille ,food and giveaways by the World Database Leader.

The focus this year was Cloud Computing…In fact as per the industry experts it is no more to decide whether to go or not to go...It is rather WHEN TO GO!!!!

Local datacenter…investing in local infrastructure…installing of Operating Systems…installing and Patching Databases will be reduced considerably not to say disappear in the very near future…

Infrastructure  and IT guys…Pas dire pas ti dire…

Also what will shortly conquer the whole world will be IOT(Internet of Things)..We are still at Smart TV..but very soon…Smart Fridge…Smart Car…Smart House….everything will be smarter…

 So people in Kam City……We will very shortly embrace a much smarter world… Pas dire pas ti dire

We  were also very extremely pleased to hear  that past mails we shared in the past in Kam City were also mentioned there...

The mail referring to What killed the frog or importance of toilets…Cloud computing…and last but not least World Number one airline New Zealand airways…

 Oracle is not only a sales company but also involved in Community related activities and we were also invited to join in events for the betterment of the society and the world as a whole..

 Much more to share but maybe around a cup of tea with people who rightly attended this highly fruitful event…

Till then have a very great day ahead…

Kam City

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