Thursday 12 November 2015

The downfall of Chelsea Football Club!!!!!WHAT IS MISSING????

My dearest and adorable friends

Today we will talk about Chelsea Football Club….Last year Premiership Champions and today 16th of the League and still paining to win a match.

Same stadium, Same players, Same manager…But still the name Chelsea FC no longer intimidates the other teams…

Every tangibles are still there but  WHAT IS MISSING????

What is missing is MOTIVATION….What is missing is SELF-BELIEF…What is missing is TRUST….What is missing is TEAM SPIRIT

Neither the name of the Team, Chelsea FC guarantees productivity on the pitch…Nor the name of the Manager Jose Mourinho assures success.

What makes Chelsea FC name shine is the delivery of its core resources on the pitch. If the players plays well…they win their match and if not then there is a problem.

The intangibles like MOTIVATION,SELF-BELIEF,TRUST and TEAM SPIRIT should never be neglected or taken for granted. In fact the stronger they are the better is productivity.

Because once Respect, Trust, Motivation, Team Spirit is gone then people work as BASIC or EXPECTED...But you lose the extra miles they used to do…

It is that extra motivation and willingness to go several extra miles that will make the team or any company edge their competitors…As the Manchester United fans called it THE FERGIE TIME..

We should always ensure the intangibles remain a solid backbone else embarking in big costly projects will surely ’Brule nu les doigts’

It is like Chelsea FC trying to win the European Champions League when they can’t even win a match in the domestic League.

Have a great day.

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