Wednesday 30 December 2015

Mail of the Year 2015 from Kam City - Why employee motivation is important!!!

My dearest and adorable friends

Today we will share the Mail of the Year 2015…The one with the highest responses….Enjoy your reading!!!!

The answer to "Why is employee motivation important?" is because in today's down economy, it's more important than ever to have a motivated workforce.

That's because a motivated employee is a productive employee. And a productive employee is a more profitable employee…Thus the more you have profitable employees the more the business is profitable…

However its foolishness to take productive and motivated employees as granted…..Some will say…They are doing the job…Let it go like this….Or using selfishly delaying Tactics!!!!!!

People adopting this attitude are in fact the enemy of the business……

When people aren't motivated, they become less productive, less creative, less of an asset to your company. They perform basic or at most expected…L

When you’re unmotivated it can be hard to accomplish your goals on a normal day. Waking up with a sore throat or noticing that it’s raining might seem like a good idea to take a sick day or personal day.

Whereas motivated employees look forward to coming to work every day. Instead of viewing work as drudgery they must perform to pay their bills, they enjoy the challenge and satisfaction of working on individual and team projects…

There is no such problem that can’t be solved if we really wish to solve it…To solve the problem of DEMOTIVATION…..We should understand what motivates our employees first….

It can be everything from monetary incentives, rewards and recognitions, building programs that support work-life balance, to simply creating a fun, relaxed office environment

But I believe Praise and Recognition plays a major role in motivating and demotivating an employee….A mail sent by your manager to Thank you...or a Well Done message is Good…but NOT ENOUGH…

Making our employees feel rewarded, recognized, and appreciated is no longer optional in this business world…it is in the interest of both a team and more importantly for the business to have motivated employees.

Because let's face it, it makes a lot more sense to retain existing experienced and motivated employees than hiring new ones all the time…

And now  we have outsourcing as an option to hide our amateurism to handle things……it’s like instead of handling your kids you ask your neighbor to take care of them…But time will tell if outsourcing is a short term gain or a long term trap…

Nevertheless, one of the best ways to retain an employee is to make him feel appreciated and valued for the wonderful job he or she is already doing..

Motivated employees are always ready to serre ceinture…Go several extra Kilometers…But till when…. Old French saying…. une seule main ne suffit pas pour applaudir, il en faut au moins deux!!!!!!!!!

Kam City


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