Thursday 5 November 2015

Learning to inspire yourself..

My dearest and adorable friends

Today’s topic of discussion is Learning to inspire yourself…from Tsun-yan Hsieh the Director Emeritus at McKinsey & Company and also member of Board of Directors of Sony Corporation.

To become self-inspired, we should build three reinforcing processes within us - The evolving self, The congruent self and The courageous self.

Evolving self occurs when one seeks to push forward to his full potential by willing to shed elements of their old self and induct new (and better) elements into their inner core.

Some people change as a result of their responses to life events; others put in the hard work to evolve to become a better person and/or leader.

Yet, many remain stuck well below their potential because they are too happy in their comfort zone or too 'Poule mouiller' to shed the skin in which we have grown accustomed.

Evolving self is therefore the recognition, desire and action towards continuous learning about yourself.

Congruent self begins with the resolution to be true to oneself. In other words: I say what I think, what I think is how I feel, and how I feel is who I am.

When you pretend to be someone and you are not person then this dampens the full emotional response to an inspiration and also blocks the urge to act on it.

 It takes inner strength, courage and hard work to reveal the truth about one’s self.

Finally Courageous self is the resolution to act consistently with our congruent self, even in situations that harbor significant risk.

Tsun-yan says whistle-blowers reporting corporate wrongdoing: they know that by speaking up they risk being discredited, oppressed, and even made unemployable.

But their will to abide by their own values in the face of adversity inspires them to act for the greater good...

Inspiring self is integral to the never-ending journey of becoming a better leader… A better person...and more importantly a better human being.

Kam City wishes a great day ahead.

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