Thursday 21 April 2016

Abolitionist icon Harriet Tubman to be featured on US$20 bill

My dearest and adorable friends

Harriet Tubman, an African-American abolitionist, will stand with George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Benjamin Franklin as among the iconic faces of US currency.
The $20 bill will be redesigned with Tubman's portrait on the front, marking two historic milestones.
She will be the first African-American on US paper money and the first woman depicted in 100 years.
Tubman, who was born into slavery in the early part of the 19th century,escaped and then used the network of anti-slavery activists and safe houses known as the Underground Railroad to transport other slaves to freedom.
After the Civil War, Tubman, who died in 1913, became active in the campaign for women's suffrage.
Various groups have been campaigning to get a woman honoured on the nation's paper currency, which has been an all-male domain for more than a century.

I seize this unique moment to salute all women in the a also special thought to the new mother of an adorable blessed little girl.

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