Tuesday 19 April 2016

Believe in Yourself...

My dearest and adorable friends

It happens in life we are extremely fascinated by someone…At times we try to imitate their lifestyle if not their hairstyle…....

Personally I do not see anything wrong…It's good to be inspired...Be it Ronaldo…Messi…Nelson Mandela…Mahatma Gandhi...Mother Theresa..or even by our own parents…

An idol help us to extract the very best of ourselves…

But we should not change so much that we lose the person we are....Everyone is unique and everyone has his or her own qualities that can't be copied...

Dig inside yourself and find the priceless diamond that you have...and use it for your own betterment and the betterment of the world…

Be inspired by your idol but more importantly......Believe in Yourself...Trust Yourself…Have Faith in You.

Dare to go for you dreams.

Wishing you all a very nice day...


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