Friday 22 April 2016

International Mother Earth Day. Big Big Respect for our Mother!!!

My dearest friends
Today we are celebrating the International Mother Earth day.
A mother who is not only our mother as human beings but also the mother of a wide variety of plants and animals.
It was not too long ago that man auto proclaimed himself as the wisest of all creatures on earth and started destroying the natural habitat for HIS own personal interest.

However slowly Mother Nature is bringing us back to our senses.
Severe unprecedented natural calamities are not only destroying what we built but also taking human lives and innocent animals and vegetation.
This year, Earth Day coincides with the signing ceremony for the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, which will take place at UN Headquarters in New York.
2016 theme is Trees for the Earth. United Nation sets the goal of planting 7.8 billion trees over the next five years across the planet.
Though Earth Day was first celebrated in the United States in the year 1970 but paradoxically the US is one of the worst countries in terms in of CO2 emissions behind China

and furthermore has a very high rate of water pollution and endangered species.
Let us all combat Global warming by adopting simple actions....Plant a tree, Go for recycled materials, Use Public transport, Switch off lights when not in use, Wash clothes

and iron clothes in bulk.
So many already known tips to adopt for our own survival.
Kam City cares for Mother Earth. Big Big Respect for our Mother!!!

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