Thursday 28 April 2016

The Nature of Success: A Matter of Attitude

My dearest friends

Basically there are two types of attitude:

The right attitude i.e. the good and positive one and his step brother the wrong attitude i.e. always having a pessimistic and negative approach.

Having a good and positive attitude doesn't come so easily, it takes willingness, time, effort, and perseverance to develop it and maintain it.Whereas a negative attitude comes naturally.

Research shows that human beings have a minimum of 12,000 thoughts per day; What is surprising is that 70% to 80% of the thoughts are negative.

To fight these negativities we must constantly engage in feeding our mind with good, healthy, and positive thoughts.

Developing and maintaining a good attitude is one of the greatest investment we can make to enjoy a happy and successful life..

Wishing you all lots of positive things for today.

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