Friday 15 April 2016

The Sleepless Night of the Liverpool Fans

 So friends of Kam City...

 Today we will resume how the Liverpool fans spent their evening against Dortmund yesterday.

 Liverpool Fans : Its 20:00---So I am going to bed early sweetheart...Liverpool is playing tonight..Match starts at 23:00
 Wife: But you have to go work early...
 Liverpool Fan...Ya..i know...will watch only till half time..
 @ 22:45----Alarm rings...

With sticky eyes...crawls out of bed and in the dark he manage to get out of the room with some few knocks while trying to search for the remote....
Switch on the TV...change hindi serial channel to foot channel...Volume at its lowest of course...and still rubbing his eyes...
Finally the match starts...
1-0...Argggggg...while some distance away a sarcastic smile on Man Utd fans could be seen...  

 2-0-...Now its bad...Its really bad...Liverpool fans shouting.. I am wasting my time here..Stupid team..Stupid Manager...Faner ** la..I am going to sleep..

Suddenly work is in the agenda...I have to wake up early and go to work tomorrow.

On bed...He turns dans gauche and then dans droite...then checks the score on mobile..A whistle on samsung :) 1-2

He rush back to the TV room...Emotion is high....

1-3....Disappointment and anger again..but this time no useless to go to bed now......

2-3...Nissa la monter...Its time for some snacks

3-3...zafer la pe coumence gorge sec...Sirop dowlat percer

After 90 mins...Snacks over...Juice its finger nails....

Injuy Time: Goallllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll....Goallllllllllllllllllllllllllll Goalllllllllllllllllllllllll 4-3....Salim goes to bed :) and And Vicky,Pravin,Jooneed update their FB status...

This was Kam City from Anfield.... : Have a nice day!!!!

Keep smiling..

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