Monday 18 April 2016

Eager to show he’s more than a now globally recognized pretty face!!!

Today's mail is a remarkable answer from the PM of Canada....
I quoted the exact words for you to enjoy the reply.
The reporter said...“I was going to ask you to explain quantum computing, but . . . ,”

The man who has been called Canada’s new heartthrob, yoga hotshot, feminist PM — apparently eager to show he’s more than a now globally recognized pretty face promptly showed he has computer-geek talents previously little known.

“OK, quite simply, normal computers work by . . . ,” Trudeau said to laughter and applause.

“No, no, don’t interrupt me, when you walk out of here you will know more — well no, some of you will know far less — about quantum computing,” he continued.

“A regular computer bit is either a one or a zero, either on or off.

A quantum state can be much more complex than that, because as we know, things can be both particle and wave at the same time and the uncertainty around quantum states allows us to encode more information into a much smaller computer.”

“So that’s what’s exciting about quantum computing,” he said as the crowd erupted into sustained applause.

Dr. Lucien Hardy, a senior faculty member of Quantum Foundations at Perimeter, told Global News he’d “never seen a prime minister attempt anything like that.
He did a pretty good job of explaining it.”
Wishing you all a fruitful week ahead.


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