Friday 2 October 2015

The Free Tree Of India!!!!

My dearest and adorable friends

Today we will talk on invaluable contribution of Azadirachta indica or The Free Tree Of India!!!! Mostly known as the Neem Tree…or the wonder tree..

Neem tree is generally considered to be an air purifier and preventive against malarial fever, acne , pimples and cholera. All parts of the tree possess medicinal properties…what a magical plant

It was also referred as the village Pharmacy in the ancient times… Various parts of the plant are used for treatment of ailments like fever, infections and other complaints..

Used as hair oil…It promotes shiny, healthy hair, combats dryness, prevents premature graying and may even help with some forms of hair loss.

The biggest benefit of neem oil and neem leaf is that they are good for your general health, the condition of your skin and body, and your immune system.

Neem leaf is an essential ingredient in many Ayurvedic remedies.It stimulates the immune system, improves liver function, detoxifies the blood, generally promotes a healthy circulative, respiratory and digestive system. It is famous as a malaria treatment and for diabetes.

In the western world people mostly drink neem tea or take neem capsules to boost immune function and for the blood cleansing effect, especially people with skin problems…

Neem leaves in the beds, books, grain bins, cupboards and closets to keep away insects…. J

This was an extract from the Medical Research Dept of Kam City J….Take care of your health….Keep well…Thanks to the Free Tree of India…

Kam City

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