Friday 16 October 2015

Have a great Friday

My dearest and adorable friends

 Today I feel to share this mail again...Just to put some good humor in your busy hectic life…We want you to be always smiling and happy with us…it’s Kam City after all J

Inspired by the 1980’s musical group Ottawan...Got it right this time DP J and is still putting fire on the dance floors….

So ladies and gentleman…Everyone of us has someone…who is the SPECIAL one…She might be a lover...a friend…or at times two in one…both a lover and friend…

And she is D…..I……S……C……O

She is D……..Desirable…

She is I……Incredible…

She is S….Super Special….

She is C…Crazy Crazy….

 And she is O……Ooooooooooooooooo…. J

Keep smiling…It’s your right to be happy in life…So be it…. So be it and So be it…J Wish the world a blessed and happy Friday….

This is Kam City

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