Friday 11 September 2015

SUN...SAND...SEA = Welcome to Mauritius

My dearest friends

Still thinking why we should go to the seaside...This is why we should go???

Sea water contains high levels of various minerals — including magnesium, potassium and iodine which help to fight infection, offer therapeutic effects, and potentially help the body heal and detoxify.

When our skin is directly exposed to the Sun, our bodies make vitamin D, a vital tool that helps with calcium absorption and building strong bones. Some of it comes from diet, but a good portion also comes from the sun.

Not only are you stimulating nerve endings when you walk on the sand, but you're also strengthening the muscles in your feet, which don't get used nearly as much when you're wearing shoes. And according to Martin Zucker, author of Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?, you may be better connected to the earth when you ditch your shoes, reaping vital mood-boosting benefits. "Earthing," argues Zucker, reconnects our bodies to the ever-present energy of the earth, which modern lifestyles have increasingly diminished

So what are you waiting for?????Mauritius has all the 3 S  SUN,SAND and SEA

Have a great afternoon.

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