Tuesday 22 September 2015

Allo...Are you driving????????

My dearest and adorable friends...

It makes me really sad when people die in road accidents....

Yesterday it was Mr X...Today it is Mr Y and tomorrow it can me...you...or anyone we love and care..
A few  accidents are really bad luck but most of them I am sure can be avoided if we are more careful....

Today we will focus on one of the major causes of road accidents...Mobile phones...

Previously causes of distractions were either phone calls or sms,,,now it is much more...chat...surf...Facebook....Selfie....Instagram...mails...

There are many ways to get distracted and kill yourself or worse take an innocent life...It's a matter of seconds we lose our focus and concentration...

Therefore...What can be done????

I believe the person who is talking,chatting,smsing to a person who is driving is as guilty as the driver himself.

So if you really love and care for the your loved ones...The first words you should use while making a call or initiating a chat...

Hello....Are you driving????..Until the answer is NO...No further communication to be done...

A small act that can save lives...Be responsible and save innocent lives...


Take care and be safe...

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