Monday 14 September 2015


My dearest and adorable friends
As per the African Exponent report of 2015 … Africa is more peaceful today than it has been in decades and also we wish that peace may spread to all parts of the continent.
The only statistical measure of its kind, the Global Peace Index is a composite index comprised of 23 qualitative and quantitative indicators that gauge the level of peace in 162 countries.
These indicators can be grouped into three broad themes:
1)      The level of safety and security in a society.
2)      The number of international and domestic conflicts.
3)      The degree of militarization.
And out of this big continent of Africa…The island of the DODO came first and we are proud to be THE MOST PEACEFUL COUNTRY IN AFRICA….
L’unite dans la diversite J
Congrats and thanks to everyone for promoting Justice…Peace and Love in our little paradise…3 Cheers for Mauritius…Hip Hip Hip Hurray
Kam City             

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