Monday 26 September 2016

50 million trees planted in a 24-hour period.

Dearest friends

Hope you had a great weekend.

We all are directly or indirectly responsible for an amount of pollution on the planet.

While some just makes promises to adopt environment friendly measures others are already taking a gigantic step in achieving them.

Last week India took the bull by its horns. The Indian people have broken a world record by planting almost 50 million trees in a 24-hour period.

The initiative saw 800,000 people, ranging from students and housewives to government officials, plant 49.3 million tree saplings, consisting of 80 different species of trees. 

The Indian government is investing $6.2 billion in the initiative to cover the country with forests.

 “The world has realized that serious efforts are needed to reduce carbon emissions to mitigate the effects of global climate change,”

And this is possible only with the effort of each and everyone.

Have a great day.


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