Thursday 23 June 2016

Recruitment Open House!!!

Dearest friends

Today we are having our MXI Recruitment Open House and we will seize the opportunity to talk on what is an Open House in a Job Interview.

Traditional job interviews usually involve an employer meeting with a job candidate on a one-on-one basis.

However the trend is changing, companies are increasingly choosing an open house interview process as a practical alternative.

An open house job interview is similar to a job fair, except that it is held by only one company instead of several. Usually when

The company invites candidates to stop by their location during a designated time frame and during this time, the candidates get the chance to present their resumes and meet with company representatives to discuss open positions and also gain firsthand experience of the company and its culture.

For the employer, open house interviews eliminate the hassle of scheduling a large number of individual interviews in advance and also speed up the initial screening process

Candidates can also make use their interpersonal skills to make a favorable impression instead of relying solely on their resumes.

However having a large number of candidates in one location at one time poses some potential drawbacks too.

For the candidate, the event can have the feel of a "cattle call," which some might find intimidating whereas for the employer, the large number of candidates might cause a tendency to rush through each interview, so it could inadvertently overlook some of the stronger applicants.

Employers might also have to muddle through interviews with many candidates who simply are not qualified for the positions.

Nevertheless a Recruitment Open House is favorable in terms of Company branding and also very helpful when there are several open positions to fill.

Wish the MXI Recruitment Open House become a great success.

Have a great day.


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