Tuesday 15 March 2016

You came empty handed, you will leave empty handed

My dearest and adorable friends
I was wondering what is the difference between a loser and a winner...

Some see obstacles as wall others see obstacles just as a hurdle that needs to be overcome.

Across the various battles, the Bhagavad Gita has always been my lighthouse to guide me through the storms of life…Enjoy the truth of life.

What did you lose that you cry about? What did you bring with you, which you think you have lost? What did you produce, which you think got destroyed? You did not bring anything –

Whatever you have, you received from here.

Whatever you have given, you have given only here.

Whatever you took, you took from God. Whatever you gave, you gave to him.

You came empty handed, you will leave empty handed. What is yours today, belonged to someone else yesterday, and will belong to someone else the day after tomorrow

Chill my friend.. life is a unique experience…Think God and go for it.

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