Wednesday 30 March 2016

Are you passionate about your job?????????????

My dearest and adorable friends

Today we discuss an interesting topic. Are you passionate about your job and are you eager to go the extra kilometer.

It seems that so many of us are searching for that elusive career that embodies Confucius’ quote to “find a job that you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.”

Motivation researcher Frederick Herzberg says the big reason we’re unhappy in our work is that we have a fundamental misunderstanding about what motivates us.

He breaks down motivation into two categories: Hygiene Factors and Motivating Factors

Hygiene Factors: These are the day-in, day-out considerations of the job, and what the job  provides for us. These include, “status, compensation, job security, work conditions, company policies, and supervisory practices.

Motivating Factors: These are the factors that make us love our jobs, and include, “challenging work, recognition, responsibility, and personal growth.”

Author Christensen says that we spend an inordinate amount of time weighing hygiene factors, they only keep us from being dissatisfied – but they don’t make us happy in our work.

Only motivating factors can make us wake up excited to head to the office, and in fact, when present we often feel that we’re not doing work at all… And that makes you feel a whole lot more like fun than work.

Have a nice Wednesday…

Kam City

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