Friday 26 February 2016

Europa League: Liverpool-Manchester United, choc des 8es de finale

Dearest Friends

A juicy Europa League Round 16.

With a Man United unconfident under Van Gaal and a Liverpool full of promise under Klopp.

This looks to be an interesting match.

In fact both teams are in Cup of deuxieme Categorie,if we can say that...

They are both in the shadow of clubs like Bayern Munich, Barcelona and Real Madrid.

More than a clash of European Cup, it will be rather the rivalry between the two local teams.

It won't be the strongest team who will win...

It will be rather the one who makes the lesser mistakes on the pitch...

Have nice Friday evening.


Megh Pillay, nouveau CEO d'Air Mauritius, répond aux questions de l'express.

Megh Pillay, nouveau Chief Executive Officer d'Air Mauritius, répond aux questions de l'express.

Comment accueillez-vous cette nomination conclue au bout d’âpres tergiversations?
C’est un gros challenge que je viens d’accepter en toute humilité vu ce consensus gouvernement, gros et petits actionnaires, conseil d’administration, syndicats, employés, industrie et même public. Air Mauritius (MK) est notre porte-drapeau et symbolise la marque Maurice. Je suis très conscient des attentes respectives de chacune des parties concernées. Nous allons tout mettre en œuvre afin d’y répondre dans les meilleures conditions.

Quelle sera votre priorité ?

MK est un très gros moteur de l’économie nationale sur lequel dépend toute une chaîne d’activités économiques. Il est aussi un moteur de croissance en soi car il est à la tête d’une chaîne de valeur ajoutée faisant vivre une importante partie de la population. De là, l’importance d’assurer sa pérennité opérationnelle et sa viabilité commerciale.

Comment allez-vous procéder ?
Face à une concurrence féroce de la part des nouveaux Super-connectors du Golfe et des transporteurs européens low-cost, il nous faut nous battre là où nous avons l’avantage compétitif. C’est-à-dire notre niche-market. C’est le service direct de l’Europe, de l’Asie et de l’Afrique. Nous gagnerons la bataille si nous arrivons à offrir un niveau de confort et de sécurité à bord et à terre, un niveau de service et de ponctualité supérieur et le tout à des prix raisonnables ou compétitifs. Nous allons consolider cette base d’affaires tout en la faisant croître avec des investissements dans la desserte des marchés émergents de l’Asie et de l’Afrique à travers les hubs de Singapour et de Plaisance.

The motivation Manifesto

My dearest and adorable friends

In addressing our pain and fear….We gain mastery over them.

In meeting challenge rather than avoiding it….We find success.

In meeting Fate’s well placed opportunities for growth…we become favored.

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. So well said by Winston Churchill.
Wish you all a great Friday.

Thursday 25 February 2016

Have a nice Thursday

My dearest and adorable frieds

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature.

Make the most of life..

Kam City

Wednesday 24 February 2016

MK a son nouveau CEO: Megh Pillay

Fin du suspense. Le conseil d’administration de la compagnie d’aviation nationale était réuni depuis 16 h 30 ce mercredi 24 février. Moins d’une heure plus tard : une décision, après des lobbies de plus d’une année : c’est Megh Pillay qui sera le nouveau Chief Executive Officer (CEO) d’Air Mauritius.

Pour rappel, le board avait décidé de ne retenir aucun candidat parmi les postulants en novembre dernier. Les noms les plus cités : Donald Payen, vice-président exécutif chargé des Customer Experiences, Ground and In-flight Services, Sushil Baguant, ancien Executive Vice-President du département Informations Service & Cargo de MK, qui avait été forcé à prendre la porte de sortie en 2009 ou encore l’Allemand, Gabriel Tilmann, un ancien commandant de la Lufthansa ayant plus de 35 ans d’expérience dans l’aviation.

Megh Pillay n’est pas un inconnu à MK. Il a déjà été CEO dans le passé et a également été l’ancien directeur de la State Trading Corporation.

World’s Largest Solar Plant Opens in Morocco

My dearest and adorable friends
The king of Morocco officially launched the first phase of the world’s largest concentrated solar power plant, the Noor Complex.
When finished, the complex will provide 500 megawatts of clean, renewable energy to 1.1 million Moroccans, reduce the country’s use of foreign oil by about 2.5 million tons, and lower carbon emissions by 760,000 tons per year.
This could herald a new era of clean energy in this part of the world. The Sahara is a huge swath of sun nearly the size of the United States.
If even just a tiny percentage of it were covered with solar panels, it could generate enough power for much of North Africa, especially if coupled with adequate (and increasingly affordable) battery storage to cover the few times a year the sun isn’t shining.
The Noor Solar Complex stands to serve as an example for Africa and the world about how to create effective pathways to greener and more inclusive economies through renewable energy.
This plant will be massive when completed, taking up as much space as Morocco’s capitol city.
This effect will be amplified because Morocco also happens to be the host of the COP22 climate talks later this year but one thing is for certain, with the opening of this plant, the future of energy in the Mediterranean is bright.
Let us be inspired by such projects for a Greener world.

Tuesday 23 February 2016

A rainy end of day!!!!

Man is an extraordinary animal.

My dearest and adorable friends
Today’s mail is an inspiration from the Dalai Lama
Man is an extraordinary animal.
He sacrifices his health in order to make money…..Work Work and Work….
Then he take all the money he earned a lifelong to recuperate his health….So basically he worked to pay the doctor…
Then he is so anxious about the future that he doesn't enjoy the present: the result being that he does not live in the present or the future;
He lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived….
Friends of Kam City…..Realize the fact…Just as me…You will die…Sooner or Later…
So Live a life in such a way that when you will be taking your last breath…You tell God with a smile…Thanks God for this trip…I enjoyed it…
Kam City

Monday 22 February 2016

Season for Avocados!!!

My dearest and adorable friends

Persea americana, or the avocado, is believed to have originated in the state of Puebla, Mexico

The word "avocado" comes from the Spanish aguacate, which in turn comes from the Nahuatl word āhuacatl.

Sometimes the word  āhuacatl was used with the meaning "testicle", probably because of the likeness between the fruit and the body part.

Avocados provide nearly 20 essential nutrients, including fiber, potassium, Vitamin E, B-vitamins, and folic acid.

They also act as a "nutrient booster" by enabling the body to absorb more fat-soluble nutrients, such as alpha and beta-carotene.

Eating fresh avocados every day can significantly change lipid profiles and improve cholesterol levels, reveals a study conducted at the University of the Pacific at Stockton in California.

Since in Mauritius it is the season for avocados, Do enjoy our locally produced pesticides free fruits.

Have a nice day.


Saturday 20 February 2016

Good Morning Friends of the World!!!

My dearest and adorable friends

Staying Positive in stressful situations isn't about fooling yourself..

It is rather understanding that negativity is a waste of energy.

Be positive..You will always find something nice about life.

Have a great weekend friends.


Friday 19 February 2016

Manchester United Players Reportedly Face Wage Cut for Champions League Failure.

Failure to qualify for next season's Champions League will reportedly result in player salaries at Manchester United being cut by as much as 25 percent this summer.

Bleacher Report

You weren’t born to just pay bills!!!

My dearest and adorable friends 

Today’s mail is a post from a good friend. 

Whenever man is in front of a major decision…A decision that challenges his comfort zone…he has two options… 

Either to go with the herd as we call it in bhojpuri the jaiider attitude…or he decides to take his destiny in his hands and carve his destiny. 

Stop being afraid what could go wrong in life and start being excited about what could go right…

Get yourself out of routines and start making the most of life..You weren’t born to just pay bills and die….. 

Let us end todays mail with a funny comment…On radio this morning…The speaker asked to audience….Who discovered telephone…One answer was Mauritius Telecom JOMG J

Keep smiling…Bon Friday.


Thursday 18 February 2016

Gros Michel ine aller...Save our Bananas!!!!

My dearest and adorable friends

It’s heartbreaking, but the world’s most popular fruit may be on the verge of extinction.

Around the 1960s, the world’s most popular banana, called the Gros Michel, disappeared from the planet following an epidemic of Panama Disease.

We were lucky at that time as scientists discovered a banana cultivar that was resistant to that disease. It was called the Cavendish and today it represents 99% of bananas in today’s market.

Unfortunately  a new strain of the Panama Disease is back and is even stronger  – and currently there is no way to stop it.

The cause why the disease is such a threat is because most commercial bananas are grown through monoculture and cloning. This method of mass production makes all banana trees equally vulnerable to the disease.

Scientists are working to find a new breed of banana that will be resistant to the new strain of Panama Disease.

However the problem remain  same and until banana producers don’t change the way to cultivate bananas (i.e., stop cloning the plants), this will inevitably happen again and again with a new strain of disease attacking the plants sooner or later.

Friends of Kam City ,A banana tree or any other fruit tree is never too much in the yard…So do encourage home grown fruits and vegetables…Let us save our Bananas.

En passant…Eski ou conner ena ene village called Bananes in Mauritius J and couma appele banne habitants from Bananes J Hmmmmm J

Keep smiling and have a pleasant banana day.

Kam City

Wednesday 17 February 2016

Believe in yourself

My dearest and adorable friends
Almost every successful person begins with two beliefs:
The future can be better than the present and I have the power to make it so.
Never ever underestimate your potential, you have something in you that no one in the world has.
Believe in yourself and contribute for a better world.
You have nothing to lose in life…You came empty handed and you will leave empty handed…

Tuesday 16 February 2016

Develop your own curriculum

My dearest and adorable friends

Some people goes with the tide others make their own tide.

If your growth is always left to randomness, you will always be stuck in mediocrity.

Develop your own curriculum and make the most of this unique adventure called life.

Don’t just exist…Mark your footprints.
On this note..Kam City wish you a very pleasant day.

Monday 15 February 2016

Delhi air pollution is the worst on earth.

Dearest Friends

In 2014, the World Health Organization released data on air quality levels in 1,600 cities around the world, and Delhi was found to have the highest concentration of particulate matter smaller than 2.5 micrometers, also called PM 2.5.

These microscopic particles are dangerous because their small size allows them to penetrate deep into people's lungs. Scientific studies have linked these particles to aggravated asthma, weaker lungs and premature death resulting from heart and lung disease.

As the world's most polluted city attempts to improve its air quality, drivers in New Delhi will be hit with severe driving restrictions for the second time this year.

The measure, dubbed "odd-even," limits drivers to using their cars on alternate days. The city government first enacted the rule on a trial basis during the first two weeks of the year.
The scheme will return for another two-week period starting April 15.

Cities including Beijing and Mexico City have also restricted the use of cars in an effort to improve air quality.

Wish you a nice afternoon.

Kam City


Be positive in Life

My dearest and adorable friends

It’s Monday…A new day in a new week

And a positive quote to start this unique day.

Attitude is a magnet…What you think is what you attract…

Be positive in life…


Thursday 11 February 2016

Air Mauritius: profits de Rs 284 millions

Bonne Nouvelles

Pour les neuf mois se terminant au 31 décembre 2015, la compagnie nationale d’aviation Air Mauritius a enregistré des profits de 7,1 millions d’euros, soit environ Rs 284 millions, contre des pertes de 8,7 millions d’euros (Rs 348 millions) à pareille période en 2014.

Le nombre de passagers transportés a augmenté de 9,8 % pour atteindre un niveau record de 1 115 890, par rapport à 1 016 314 au cours des neuf mois clos le 31 décembre 2014.

Le nombre de sièges offerts a augmenté de 3,5 % et le coefficient d’occupation a augmenté de 73,2 % à 78,9 %.

Le taux euro-USD en moyenne pour les neuf mois a évolué autour de 1,10 par rapport à 1,32 pour la période avril-décembre 2014. L’impact de la dépréciation de l’euro a été atténué partiellement par la baisse des prix du carburant, explique le conseil d’administration d’Air Mauritius.

« L’amélioration récente des résultats financiers devrait se poursuivre pour le dernier trimestre, malgré une concurrence accrue. En tant que tel, la société continuera de bénéficier des prix du carburant en vigueur et de nouvelles mesures pour améliorer la productivité.

« En outre, Air Mauritius prend aussi une série d’initiatives afin d’améliorer la connectivité entre l’Afrique et l’Asie », ajoute le conseil d’administration.

Bon Vol a MK

Wednesday 10 February 2016


My dearest and adorable friends

Since Friday Mauritius is being showered by rain and even today rain is the talk all over the country.

Water accumulation in various places might go unnoticed due to poor visibility….VIGILANCE FRIENDS

Driving is very very difficult due to fog and heavy showers. So Friends of Kam City please be very cautious.

Most of us are still at work right now but none of us are insensible to the bad climatic conditions outside.…Calls are flowing all around the island…even Orange network is saturated.

So guys while returning home…Take Extra precaution…Be it walking or while driving.
Kam City

Tuesday 2 February 2016

January OUT and February is IN…

My dearest and adorable friends

January OUT and February is IN…

As time flies let us share a realistic quote from E. M. Forster (1879-1970)

Those who prepared for all the emergencies of life beforehand may equip themselves at the expense of joy.

Planning is good but over planning kills the instinctive joy and happiness…

May you all have a wonderful Tuesday Morning with New Freshness!!!!New Confidence!!!And New success

Have a great week ahead…
