Thursday 18 February 2016

Gros Michel ine aller...Save our Bananas!!!!

My dearest and adorable friends

It’s heartbreaking, but the world’s most popular fruit may be on the verge of extinction.

Around the 1960s, the world’s most popular banana, called the Gros Michel, disappeared from the planet following an epidemic of Panama Disease.

We were lucky at that time as scientists discovered a banana cultivar that was resistant to that disease. It was called the Cavendish and today it represents 99% of bananas in today’s market.

Unfortunately  a new strain of the Panama Disease is back and is even stronger  – and currently there is no way to stop it.

The cause why the disease is such a threat is because most commercial bananas are grown through monoculture and cloning. This method of mass production makes all banana trees equally vulnerable to the disease.

Scientists are working to find a new breed of banana that will be resistant to the new strain of Panama Disease.

However the problem remain  same and until banana producers don’t change the way to cultivate bananas (i.e., stop cloning the plants), this will inevitably happen again and again with a new strain of disease attacking the plants sooner or later.

Friends of Kam City ,A banana tree or any other fruit tree is never too much in the yard…So do encourage home grown fruits and vegetables…Let us save our Bananas.

En passant…Eski ou conner ena ene village called Bananes in Mauritius J and couma appele banne habitants from Bananes J Hmmmmm J

Keep smiling and have a pleasant banana day.

Kam City

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