Friday 19 February 2016

You weren’t born to just pay bills!!!

My dearest and adorable friends 

Today’s mail is a post from a good friend. 

Whenever man is in front of a major decision…A decision that challenges his comfort zone…he has two options… 

Either to go with the herd as we call it in bhojpuri the jaiider attitude…or he decides to take his destiny in his hands and carve his destiny. 

Stop being afraid what could go wrong in life and start being excited about what could go right…

Get yourself out of routines and start making the most of life..You weren’t born to just pay bills and die….. 

Let us end todays mail with a funny comment…On radio this morning…The speaker asked to audience….Who discovered telephone…One answer was Mauritius Telecom JOMG J

Keep smiling…Bon Friday.


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