Thursday 28 January 2016

If you want to change your life.

My dearest and adorable friends

If you want to change your life.

First you must change your thoughts…your beliefs…your perceptions and last but not least you must be positive and ready to embrace change.

You must change what goes on inside of you to change what goes on outside of you…Karen Salmansohn

Don’ take life as a black and white movie…Take it as a beautiful colorful adventure.

Live your life…It is a once a time experience.


Wednesday 27 January 2016

India Republic day

My dearest and adorable friends
We Mauritians are so connected with India and as our PM rightly said…we are like the little brother of La Grande Peninsule.
Therefore directly or indirectly we are associated with the 67th India Republic day celebrated yesterday on the 26th of January 2016.
This holiday is an important national festival in India, celebrating the day in 1950 when India's ties with Britain were severed and the country became a fully independent republic.
The holiday is marked with parades and much celebration in all the state capitals, but the festivities in Delhi are especially grand.
French President François Hollande was the chief guest at this year’s parade.
And for the first time this year, the parade was done jointly done with France. Maybe it’s a signal for further strengthening the ties between the two countries.
Friends of Kam City the world is a global village…Let us all live in peace and harmony to make our planet a nice place to live.

Tuesday 26 January 2016

Wind of Change

My dearest and adorable friends

Today’s mail is a special one on a special day…The Wind of Change.

Whether It Will Be Right, I Don't Know. What It Will Be Like, I Don't Know…But we live In Hope Of Deliverance..

Hope Of Deliverance from darkness and uncertainties that surrounds us to a more clearer and brighter future.

A deliverance coming with change… Whether It Will Be Right, I Don't Know. What It Will Be Like, I Don't Know…

But we still live In Hope Of Deliverance.

We believe….We have faith and We Trust the Almighty.

Have a great day.

Kam City

Monday 25 January 2016

Is a complaint a bad thing????

My dearest and adorable friends
Today's mail is based on one of the chapter of UP YOUR SERVICE Program…Superior Service Recovery...Program 302.
When there is  a complaint. It is usual human behaviour to show resistance. Because someone is trying to disturb you in your comfort zone.
But is a complaint a bad thing????Based on Ron Kauffman teachings it should not....A complaint is rather an invitation for you to improve or correct things..
It is a golden opportunity to turn an 'oops' into an opportunity...Rather than being enraged or making weird faces. Be grateful and make use of this opportunity.
If there is a complaint and you are aware of the bad situation and you are doing nothing to correct same then it is CRIMINAL.
However if you are working on it...Are you doing only what you must, or doing all you can? (Page 23 in Superior service Recovery)
It is also important to note that delay in resolving complaints impacts greatly the business.
Have a productive Monday and nice week ahead.
Kam City             

Friday 22 January 2016

Quiz Time

My dearest and adorable friends

It’s Friday and why not some quick quiz to refresh your general Knowledge…

What we have in common between the Capital City of New Zealand and the Capital City of USA…J

Everyday we talk about running…gym…trails but do you know the fastest animal on earth…and what about the fastest human being…

Back to our paradise island….Can you name 10 villages having either fruit of vegetable names in Mauritius…J…don’t miss my village J

Friends of Kam City, Be it in Weddings…Parties or Special occasions or weekends we all have dance once or many times on these folkloric songs Khalle Pille ,Bayabou and Mo Capitaine…Do you know the singers J

The last question and the most difficult one too…We all know delo apendant is coco but what about delo enba la terreJ

Keep smiling…and have a great sunny day ahead.

Kam City

Wednesday 20 January 2016

Having positive mind!!!

My dearest and adorable friends

Humans face difficulties and hard times in their life.

These difficulties occasionally will break your spirit and bring you down from your path.

But the ones who tackle those difficult situations with a positive mind and approach bring a huge
change in their lives and even to the lives of others around them.

Many people, including myself, find inspiration for the day to eliminate the negative self-talk that is running around in our heads.

Every day is a fresh start, so reading brilliant motivational quotes before starting the day can bring a huge difference in our life.

Life is unique experience...Live it to its full capacity...

Kam City

Tuesday 19 January 2016

The drop of oil price....A blessing for some and a curse for others

My dearest and adorable friends

None of us are insensitive to the drop of world oil price since quite a long time now...

And with the lift sanctions on Iran...we are expecting an additional half a million barrels of Iranian crude to this already saturated market.

Since the mid 2014 the price have slumped by 3/4..What used to be above 100 USD a barrel is now being sold for less than 28 USD a barrel

The drop in price mainly due to excess supply, record output levels, weak demand growth and a slowing global economy led by China.

But OPEC expects a 'rebalancing process' as the sharp fall in oil price is causing production from non-cartel competitors such as US to fall.

If the prediction is accurate, it would make a victory of sorts for OPEC's strategy of keep the oil flowing despite crude sliding from above US$100 in 2014 - to defend its market share.

The drop of oil prices is surely having a global impact...A blessing for some...and a curse for others...

Wishing the best for the world.

Have a great day.

Monday 18 January 2016

Confusion is not a sign of weakness!!!

My dearest and adorable friends

Very Good Morning and welcome back to your daily activity between 8:30 till 16:30…Lovingly known as Work. J

 So friends of Kam City…Many times in life you might be confused.

 Confusion is not a sign of weakness, it is rather a sign that you are on the path to figure out things.

Those who stop at confusion point…Fails

Those who proceed through the mist of confusion…become masters…

Perseverance is the key of success.

Have a great day ahead.

 Kam City

Sunday 17 January 2016

Lineup REDS versus RED DEVILS

Friends of Kam City..

The warriors of the clash of REDS in anfield...

Liverpool: Mignolet, Clyne, Toure, Sakho, Moreno, Lucas, Henderson, Can, Milner, Lallana, Firmino.

Subs: Ward, Caulker, Smith, Allen, Teixeira, Ibe, Benteke.

Man United: De Gea, Young, Smalling, Blind, Darmian, Schneiderlin, Fellaini, Lingard, Herrera, Martial, Rooney.

Subs: Romero, Borthwick-Jackson, McNair, Varela, Pereira, Mata, Memphis.

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Change means something good is about to happen.

My dearest and adorable friends

Trust in the universe when there is a change in your life.

Change does not mean something bad…In fact change means something greater is coming….

Change means something good is about to happen..

Don’t resist change…because if you do not innovate then you will surely evaporate…

Have a great Tuesday.


Monday 11 January 2016

Your talent is God's gift to you.

My dearest and adorable friends

Today we will start the week with a very nice quote.

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.

Friends of Kam City I still don’t believe any human being is superior than the other…

From the lowest rank in the society to the very top level, everyone is special and unique in his or her own way.

Develop and make use of your talent…

Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God.

Have a very nice day

Kam City

Friday 8 January 2016

Joke to make you smile

My dearest and adorable friends

Today we will share a joke to end this week…

 A guy  goes to Walmart in the U.S.

 He finds cat food at special prices.

 He picks a dozen cans of cat food & goes to check out.

The Manager gets suspicious. He thinks that this guy might not have a cat & will probably feed cat food to his kids. He asks the guy to show him his cat before he could let him have cat food.

The guy goes home & returns with a cat & gets to buy the cat food.

Next week the guy finds dog food at special prices.

He picks a dozen cans of dog food & goes to check out…

The Manager again gets suspicious. He thinks that this person may have a cat but he cannot have a dog & he will probably feed dog food to his kids.

He asks him to bring & show him the dog before he can let him have dog food.

The guy again goes home & returns with a dog.

He gets to buy the dog food.

The following week, the guy comes to Walmart with a bag. He asks the Manager to put his hand in the bag. The Manager puts his hand in the bag, feels something slimy & immediately pulls it out…!!!

He shouts at the guy, “What the hell…!!!

This is shit, You Idiot…!!!???”

The guy calmly replies, “Yes, now may I buy some toilet paper please…???”

Keep smiling and think well before putting your hand in the bag J


Thursday 7 January 2016

The world safest airline for 2016.

My dearest and adorable friends
Airline review website has released its ranking for the safest airlines to fly with for this year, with Qantas topping the list ahead of the Middle East giants.
In fact the Australian carrier has a fatality-free record since the dawn of the jet era… an extraordinary record.
Qantas has come first for aviation safety out of the 407 airlines that monitors, making it the third consecutive year that the airline has received the award.’s rating system takes into account a range of factors related to audits from aviation’s governing bodies and lead associations as well as government audits and the airline’s fatality record.
The editorial team, one of the world’s most awarded and experienced, also examined each airline’s operational history, incident records and operational excellence.
Our Air Mauritius safety rating is 5 on a maximum of 7.
We achieved the following safety standards, namely IATA Operational Safety Audit, We are European Union allowed, We have Fatality free record ,We are also Federal Aviation Authority Endorsed.
And for MK to achieve the maximum safety mark, the International Civil Aviation Country Audit needs to be cleared.
So friends of Kam City, another reason to trust our National Carrier for a safe trip to your destination.
Have a great day.

Wednesday 6 January 2016

The Capricornians

My dearest and adorable friends

Today we will talk about the people born between the 22nd of December till the 19th of  January, the Capricornians.

Capricorn is the tenth astrological sign in the zodiac, originating from the constellation of Capricornus and is ruled by the planet Saturn

Capricorn is considered an earth sign, introvert sign, a power sign and one of the four cardinal signs. Its symbol is based on the Sumerian primordial god of wisdom and waters, Enki.

The head and upper body of a mountain goat, and the lower body and tail of a fish.

The mountain goat part of the symbol depicts ambition, resolute, intelligence, curiosity but also steadiness, and ability to thrive in inhospitable environments, while the fish represents passion, spirituality, intuition, connection with soul.

In India, the day when the Sun enters the sidereal zodiac sign of Capricorn is celebrated as the Makara Sankranti festival.

 May I wish all the Proud Capricornian a Happy Birthday and today is the birthday of Indian music composer AR Rahman and actor Rowan Atkinson also known as Mr Bean..Mr Bean gagne 60 ans J

 Have a great day.

 Kam City



Tuesday 5 January 2016

Alerte aux méduses dans le Nord

Différentes unités de la National Coast Guard (NCG) sont en alerte, ce mardi 5 janvier.

Un avis sur la présence de méduses dans les lagons de Mont-Choisy, Trou-aux-Biches, Péreybère et Grand-Baie a été émis. 25 personnes ont dû être transportées à l’hôpital SSRN, à Pamplemousses pour recevoir des soins après avoir été piquées dans la nuit d’hier à aujourd’hui.

La NGG déconseille toute baignade dans les régions concernées. Des patrouilles sont effectuées pour avertir le public des dangers. 

What really is wisdom

My dearest and adorable friends

Today’s mail is from Sri Sri Ravi Shankar…So meaningful….

 What really is wisdom? Why should we be wise?

That something which takes us away from suffering, which gives us a vision, which makes life vibrant, and which connects the individual to the universal, is wisdom.

Wisdom brings immense satisfaction and it is available to everybody.

It has nothing to do with education. We will find wise people even amongst the illiterates in the villages.

Perhaps even more. They know how to manage their homes, they know how to keep harmony in their neighborhood, they know how to bring people together, and how to bring celebration in life.

Wisdom is that which brings celebration in life, which brings a smile on your face. That which keeps you healthy, and gives you the intuitive ability to see what is ahead of you in life.

Finally Wikipedia says Wisdom is the ability to think and act using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense, and insight…

Of course for the betterment of self but more importantly for humanity.

May god bless you with wisdom and love….Have a great day!!!!


Monday 4 January 2016

Believe 2016 will be extraordinary!!!!

My dearest and adorable friends

 As we begin 2016..Let us remember that destiny turns its ear to those who overcome fear.

 Be Bold…No matter how small you start but start something that matters…

Believe 2016 will be extraordinary.

And start everyday with the strong belief that today will be EXTRAORDINARY.

People of Kam City…May this year be an extraordinary one.

Have a great day. Justice…Peace and Love for this great year 2016.
