Thursday 19 May 2016


Dearest friends
Sorry coffee lovers, Lean Coffee is not associated with any type of coffee. :)

In fact Lean Coffee is a structured, but agenda-less meeting. Participants gather, build an agenda, and begin talking.

Conversations are directed and productive because the agenda for the meeting is democratically generated.

It is an interesting knowledge hub for sharing ideas and take good initiatives for self…organization…country and the planet as a whole.

There are currently dozens of Lean Coffees happening world-wide, including Seattle, San Francisco, Stockholm, Toronto, Boulder, New York City, and more.

Lean Coffee started in Seattle in 2009 and now Seattle Lean Coffee is a popular weekly event.

Group gatherings, meetings, forums, Lean Coffees are essential to give chance to new ideas to blossom.However just like a new seed, if we do not treat these ideas correctly they will die unnoticed.

Have a great day and why not start this new day with a coffee…A good Cappuccino to start the chilling winter in Mauritius.


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