Thursday 26 May 2016

Cold and Flu....Check our Natural Remedies!!!!

My dearest and adorable friends

Every year we share this email at the dawn of winter.

With temperature slowly dropping down in Mauritius..There is no argument…Winter is IN

In the winter season the heart being the fire organ has to work harder to keep us warmer. If the heart is not able to adjust sufficiently then external cold energies that are strongest in the winter time, will penetrate the bodies external shielding and cause us to catch a cold or flu.

So the logic is simple...we have to fortify our immune that the heart can provide more warmth against the outer cold...

Astonishingly eating yogurt daily, more frequently during cold seasons reduces your chances of getting a cold by 25%, and research suggests it is the live cultures and bacteria in yogurt that boosts the immune system to be better prepared to ward off the cold and treat its symptoms more successfully.

At the first sign of sniffles, try this simple natural remedy: Get a small bowl, a spoon, a clove of organic garlic and some natural honey. Chop up the clove of garlic into small pieces, mix it into a teaspoon of the honey and swallow. Don’t chew… The secret germ-fighting ingredient in garlic is allicin, which acts as a natural antiviral strong enough to knock out a cold before it can slow you down. The honey soothes sore throat, quiets cough and helps the garlic go down easy.

According to studies, those suffering from a vitamin D deficiency often experience frequent colds and flu. The best way to get your daily requirement of vitamin D is to get 15 minutes of sun exposure during peak times of the day (between 11am and 1pm).

The traditional remedies remains the same...Blow your nose often…Wash hands regularly…Drink plenty of fluids(Preferably hot)…Do your exercises…and Stay rested…

Wish you all a healthy day!!!!Keep warm.

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