Tuesday 31 May 2016


My dearest and adorable friends

Everyday we wish something better....

We wish a better day..

We wish a better relationship...

We wish a better life...


As we say..There is nothing permanent except change...

Have a great day.


Sunday 29 May 2016

Friday 27 May 2016

Welcome Jose Mourinho!!!!

Dearest friends of  Kam City

No one is interested in his Salary!!!

No one is interested in his benefits!!!!

No one is interested in his new car!!!

No one is interested in his house!!!

Because Everyone knows HE is a a authentic Leader and his leadership skills is priceless.

He remains THE SPECIAL ONE....

Welcome Jose Mourinho.

Have a great Friday.


Thursday 26 May 2016

Cold and Flu....Check our Natural Remedies!!!!

My dearest and adorable friends

Every year we share this email at the dawn of winter.

With temperature slowly dropping down in Mauritius..There is no argument…Winter is IN

In the winter season the heart being the fire organ has to work harder to keep us warmer. If the heart is not able to adjust sufficiently then external cold energies that are strongest in the winter time, will penetrate the bodies external shielding and cause us to catch a cold or flu.

So the logic is simple...we have to fortify our immune system...so that the heart can provide more warmth against the outer cold...

Astonishingly eating yogurt daily, more frequently during cold seasons reduces your chances of getting a cold by 25%, and research suggests it is the live cultures and bacteria in yogurt that boosts the immune system to be better prepared to ward off the cold and treat its symptoms more successfully.

At the first sign of sniffles, try this simple natural remedy: Get a small bowl, a spoon, a clove of organic garlic and some natural honey. Chop up the clove of garlic into small pieces, mix it into a teaspoon of the honey and swallow. Don’t chew… The secret germ-fighting ingredient in garlic is allicin, which acts as a natural antiviral strong enough to knock out a cold before it can slow you down. The honey soothes sore throat, quiets cough and helps the garlic go down easy.

According to studies, those suffering from a vitamin D deficiency often experience frequent colds and flu. The best way to get your daily requirement of vitamin D is to get 15 minutes of sun exposure during peak times of the day (between 11am and 1pm).

The traditional remedies remains the same...Blow your nose often…Wash hands regularly…Drink plenty of fluids(Preferably hot)…Do your exercises…and Stay rested…

Wish you all a healthy day!!!!Keep warm.

Tuesday 24 May 2016

I am Jose Mourinho and I don't change. I arrive with all my qualities and my defects.

My dearest and adorable friends

Today it will be a mail for football lovers.

Born on the 26th January 1963 in Portugal….

Impressive coaching skills….He is a living legend…Premier League Manager of the Year 2005…Serie A Manager of the year 2010...FIFA Coach of the Year in 2010…and the list goes on and on

Between 2003 and 2012, he did not go a single calendar year without winning at least one trophy.

Widely known for his strong personality, refined dress sense, and quirky comments at press conferences…

He is the next expected Manager of Manchester United :)…Currently known as the ‘The Special One’…but very soon as ‘Old Trafford's Special One’

I will end today’s mail with a quote from the one Man Utd fans have been waiting for …

I am Jose Mourinho and I don't change. I arrive with all my qualities and my defects.

Have a beautiful day.


Monday 23 May 2016

Victoria Day or The beginning of Summer season...

Dearest friends

The Victoria Day is a federal Canadian public holiday celebrated on the last Monday preceding May 25, in honour of Queen Victoria's birthday.

The date is simultaneously that on which the current Canadian sovereign's official birthday is recognized.

It is sometimes informally considered the beginning of the summer season in Canada.

The holiday has been observed in Canada since at least 1845, originally falling on Victoria's actual birthday.

It continues to be celebrated in various fashions across the country; the holiday has always been a distinctly Canadian observance.

Victoria Day is a federal statutory holiday, as well as a holiday in six of Canada's ten provinces and all three of its territories.

In Quebec, before 2003, the Monday preceding 25 May of each year was unofficially the Fête de Dollard, a commemoration initiated in the 1920s to coincide with Victoria Day.

In 2003, provincial legislation officially created National Patriots' Day on the same date.

Have a great week.


Thursday 19 May 2016

Cumsa Content do...Mais bizin accepter...Ene lot plaisir sa kan Liverpool perdi....!!!!!

Mo banne COKains...Sorry Capains

Hier Liverpool Perdi....

40 Min...Sturridge defonce filet....To pe riez....Hmmm To ene Liverpool fan toi hein :)

46 Min...Kevin egaliser..Ene lot piti pe riez...Hmmm To PAS ene Liverpool fan toi hein :)

64 Min...Splashhhh...Coke deboucher...piti pe encore riez...Hmm To PAS ene Liverpool fan toi hein :)

70 Min...deuxieme Chopine Coke... piti pe encore riez...Hmm To PAS ene Liverpool fan toi hein :)

90th Minute...Match fini...Piti chanter danser...Liverpool ine perdi

Piti ki to eter toi....

Aster mo conner...To ene fan Sevilla hein.....Non Non Non do mo frere...Mo ene Man Utd fan moi...

Cumsa Content do...Mais bizin accepter...Ene lot plaisir sa kan Liverpool perdi....!!!!!



Dearest friends
Sorry coffee lovers, Lean Coffee is not associated with any type of coffee. :)

In fact Lean Coffee is a structured, but agenda-less meeting. Participants gather, build an agenda, and begin talking.

Conversations are directed and productive because the agenda for the meeting is democratically generated.

It is an interesting knowledge hub for sharing ideas and take good initiatives for self…organization…country and the planet as a whole.

There are currently dozens of Lean Coffees happening world-wide, including Seattle, San Francisco, Stockholm, Toronto, Boulder, New York City, and more.

Lean Coffee started in Seattle in 2009 and now Seattle Lean Coffee is a popular weekly event.

Group gatherings, meetings, forums, Lean Coffees are essential to give chance to new ideas to blossom.However just like a new seed, if we do not treat these ideas correctly they will die unnoticed.

Have a great day and why not start this new day with a coffee…A good Cappuccino to start the chilling winter in Mauritius.


Wednesday 18 May 2016

Be Happy!!!

My dearest friends

Don’t wait for things to get easier, simpler and better in life.

Life has always, is and will always be a complicated stuff.

The problem you face…You are neither the first one to encounter nor you will be the last one to bear.

Learn to be happy right now…Otherwise while constantly running after happiness you will realize one day you have run out of time.

Be Happy.


Tuesday 17 May 2016

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day.

My dearest friends

Today the 17th of May is the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day.

ICT has a big impact on our lives and the society as a whole.

And this year the UN has its focus on the theme: “ICT entrepreneurship for social impact.”

New ICT entrepreneurs and small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have an important role in ensuring economic growth in a sustainable manner.

They are involved in the development of innovative ICT-enabled solutions with a unique potential to make a long-lasting impact in global, regional and national economies.

These small and mid-sized companies are also an important source of new jobs, especially for youth, in the current knowledge economy.

The theme for 2016 is in line with the work of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in unlocking the potential of ICTs for young innovators and entrepreneurs.

Wish you all my ICT friends a happy ICT day.


Sunday 15 May 2016

Barcelona champions BUT no celebrations!!!!

Dearest friends

A Luis Suarez hat-trick sealed the 24th title for Barcelona and he also claimed the Pichichi crown

with a phenomenal 40 goals.

What an achievement by the ex-Liverpool man.

However celebrations were short-lived,they were forced to head for the sanctuary of the dressing room.

They’ll go again next week, when they take on Sevilla in the final of the Copa del Rey.

Curiously, they probably won’t get presented with the League trophy until after that match, as their

city’s elders have forbidden any sort of reception or ceremony tonight, due to a clash with the

Spanish Grand Prix.

Bon Dimanche.


Thursday 12 May 2016

We are all Salesmen!!!!

My dearest friends

We are all salesmen in our everyday lives.

We are selling our ideas…

We are selling our time…

We are selling our effort…our energy and our enthusiasms…

So friends always keep improving yourself so that you have valuable things to sell.
