Wednesday 10 June 2020

Firecracker and the Scrabble relationship.

Hello friends

Today we will chat about the Firecracker and the Scrabble relationship.

The firecracker relationship or feeling appears to me when there are lots of excitement, beautiful colors, lots of noises but in the end, it is short lived, and everything goes in smoke just like the firecracker. It comes as quickly as it disappears but still leaves a confused feeling.

The scrabble relationship is an interesting one. Most of the times while you play you do not have the 7 letter words, but you still try to make maximum points with the tiles you have.

However, in spite having the best tiles you are still not guaranteed success. You still need the other player to give you the opportunity to excel and the other person also rely on the openings you give them to be able to play their best tiles.

Similarly, everyone tries to make a successful relationship by optimizing their best qualities however there is also a dependency on the other person to create some openings so that together they create beautiful and magical moments.

Have a great day.