Tuesday 28 March 2017

Mother....A living God!!!!

Mother....A living God!!!!

My dearest and adorable friends

Mother is someone who loves us so much and we still yearn for more love from her….

Mother is someone who makes us realize how good we are…that there is no one better than us…

Her happiness is in our laughter…and her caring is beyond expectations…

She is someone always in our heart…well cherished…A place no one can ever take…A place as special as God…and for whom you can willingly embrace death…

She is someone you miss so much when you are far…a grief that can’t be measured…a heart tearing pain for someone you love so so much.

And today is a special day in Kam City…May I wish my Mum a long life, a very sound health,  lots of happiness and may the blessings of Lord Shiva be always on her for her birthday.

On this special day may the world be full of Peace…Love and happiness.

Kam City

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