Tuesday 13 December 2016

The Polar Vortex is nothing new.!!!

Dearest friends

The first thing to know is that the polar vortex is nothing new.

It is a fundamental and persistent feature of our atmosphere, a part of what meteorologists call the “global circulation”.

This circulation is the planetary heat pump that moves extra energy from the tropics towards the poles, and keeps the earth’s temperatures in balance.

In specific terms, the polar vortex is a large area of low pressure and cold air surrounding the earth’s poles (both of them – the south pole has one too).

It is always there, but it weakens in the summer and strengthens in the winter.

The “vortex” part refers to the counter-clockwise circulation of air around this large area of low pressure.

When the weather pattern is quiet, the polar vortex keeps the coldest air bottled up near the pole, leading to widespread seasonal or even mild winter temperatures.

But many times during a typical winter, an amplified weather pattern will develop that causes a piece of the polar vortex to migrate southward.

This can happen anywhere in the hemisphere, but when a part of the polar vortex moves into North America, it can set the stage for an outbreak of very cold air across the continent.\

The remaining days of this week is an excellent example of how the position of the polar vortex can help set up a cold air outbreak.

Keep warm friends...We will reach the first -13 this winter.


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