Tuesday 20 December 2016

International Human Solidarity day.

Dearest friends

December 20th is the International Human Solidarity day.

A day to celebrate our unity in diversity;

A day to remind governments to respect their commitments to international agreements;

A day to raise public awareness of the importance of solidarity;

A day to encourage debate on the ways to promote solidarity for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals including poverty eradication;

Global problems require collective solutions. At a time of divisiveness on many key global issues, from armed conflict to forced migration, people need to turn toward each other in common cause, not away from each other in fear." — UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon

Have a great day.

The Merseyside Derby or The Friendly Derby :)

Dearest friends

Traditionally, the Merseyside derby was referred to as The friendly derby because of the large number of families with both Liverpool and Everton supporters and it was one of the few local derbies that did not enforce total fan segregation.

Since the mid-1980s, however, the rivalry has intensified on and off the field, and since the inception of the Premier League, the Merseyside derby has had more red cards than any other game.

It has been referred to as "The most ill-disciplined and explosive fixture in the Premier League".

Out of 226 matches played between the two teams before yesterday,Liverpool won 89 and Everton 66.

Charismatic England goalkeeper Neville Southall of Everton holds the record for most derby appearances while Ian Rush of Liverpool holds the mark for the most derby goals with 25 times putting the ball inside Everton's net.

Former Liverpool captain Steven Gerrard and former Everton captain Phil Neville have both seen red twice in derby games....

Phil Neville...hmmm...An ex-Man United man :)

Mane na Mane...yesterday turned to be the 90th victory of the team in Red in the Merseyside derby..

A well deserved victory.

Have a great day.


Friday 16 December 2016

Core values are not just words...they are much more than that..

Dearest friends

Workplace core values are defined as the guiding principles that are most important to the way people work.

Some companies treat it as a bookish definition that should have.nothing more ,nothing less.

While wiser leaders make their businesses run around their core values.

Employees use these deeply held principles to choose between right and wrong ways of working, how they treat each other and their clients, and how they make important decisions.

Sticking to our core values creates a synergy,respect and ensure everyone is going in the same direction.

Core values are not just words...they are much more than that..

By the way are you aware of your company core values????


Wednesday 14 December 2016

Change is inevitable

Dearest friends

Every great dream begins with a dreamer.

Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world....Harriet Tubman
Change is inevitable...The earlier you embrace it the better.
Have a great day.

Tuesday 13 December 2016

The Polar Vortex is nothing new.!!!

Dearest friends

The first thing to know is that the polar vortex is nothing new.

It is a fundamental and persistent feature of our atmosphere, a part of what meteorologists call the “global circulation”.

This circulation is the planetary heat pump that moves extra energy from the tropics towards the poles, and keeps the earth’s temperatures in balance.

In specific terms, the polar vortex is a large area of low pressure and cold air surrounding the earth’s poles (both of them – the south pole has one too).

It is always there, but it weakens in the summer and strengthens in the winter.

The “vortex” part refers to the counter-clockwise circulation of air around this large area of low pressure.

When the weather pattern is quiet, the polar vortex keeps the coldest air bottled up near the pole, leading to widespread seasonal or even mild winter temperatures.

But many times during a typical winter, an amplified weather pattern will develop that causes a piece of the polar vortex to migrate southward.

This can happen anywhere in the hemisphere, but when a part of the polar vortex moves into North America, it can set the stage for an outbreak of very cold air across the continent.\

The remaining days of this week is an excellent example of how the position of the polar vortex can help set up a cold air outbreak.

Keep warm friends...We will reach the first -13 this winter.


Monday 12 December 2016

Human Rights Day 2016.

Dearest friends   

On 10 December every year, the world commemorates the Human Rights Day.

And in today's mail we will share the Message of the Director-General of UNESCO.

Standing up for the rights of others means standing up for the humanity we share. - Irina Bokova

Have a great week ahead.


Wednesday 7 December 2016

Christmas Lights Across Canada.

Dearest friends

The 32nd edition of Christmas Lights Across Canada kicks off today.

Dazzling lights and celebrations await from coast to coast to coast.

In addition to the illumination of hundreds of thousands of multicolored lights along Confederation Boulevard, the annual ceremony will feature excerpts from the musical show Décembre, a pyrotechnics show as well as a projection of the winter lightscapes show

Come and have fun on Parliament Hill as from 7 p.m. today for the Christmas Lights across Canada Illumination Ceremony.

The evening’s festivities will also be broadcast live on Facebook for Canadians across the country who are unable to attend the illumination ceremony.

Have fun.


Tuesday 6 December 2016

And the whole world is our family!!!

Dearest friends

Billions of people…Millions of villages…Thousands of cities…Hundreds of countries…Seven continents but only and only ONE earth.

In spite Man created lots and lots of boundaries and differences but the fact remains that we all belong to the world.

And helping each other is not a favor but our duty as a member of this big family.

We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone…. Ronald Reagan

Be the change!!!Have a great day.
