Friday 19 June 2020

The most simple mathematical equation.


The most simple mathematical equation that neither require Pythagoras Theorem nor Poisson distribution to solve.

Death - Birth=Life

Some drive  at 130 km/h  throughout the journey to reach THE final destination ,others struggle through the muddy countryside shitty roads at 40 km/h to reach it.

Doesn't matter which one you take.It's not about the destination but about the journey to reach it.

The decision you take at every intersections of life makes your journey either sweet or  bitter.

You will get both for sure.


Feelings...Its not about shame its about being human.

Feelings...Its not about shame its about being human.

Wednesday 10 June 2020

Firecracker and the Scrabble relationship.

Hello friends

Today we will chat about the Firecracker and the Scrabble relationship.

The firecracker relationship or feeling appears to me when there are lots of excitement, beautiful colors, lots of noises but in the end, it is short lived, and everything goes in smoke just like the firecracker. It comes as quickly as it disappears but still leaves a confused feeling.

The scrabble relationship is an interesting one. Most of the times while you play you do not have the 7 letter words, but you still try to make maximum points with the tiles you have.

However, in spite having the best tiles you are still not guaranteed success. You still need the other player to give you the opportunity to excel and the other person also rely on the openings you give them to be able to play their best tiles.

Similarly, everyone tries to make a successful relationship by optimizing their best qualities however there is also a dependency on the other person to create some openings so that together they create beautiful and magical moments.

Have a great day.

Friday 29 May 2020

There is good..There is bad...Then there is Right.

There is good..There is bad...Then there is Right.

You can do good and be Right but you can also do bad and still be Right.

Now your Right is not necessarily my Right so 'being Right' is subjective.

Being Right is definitely a great self feeling but is it worthy if you destroyed others feelings in the process.

Might be for some ...not quite for others...Food for thought.

Have a nice weekend.


Wednesday 27 May 2020

The Universe does it right.

Hello friends of the world

I decided to write again after a very long time.

In life you will praised but will also be cursed.

You will be loved but also despised.

You will bring joy and might also be the cause of sadness and pain.

Sometimes you dont have control of everything but the Universe always makes it right for everyone.

Peace and Love.


Wednesday 28 March 2018

Happy Birthday Mum

28 March 2018

On this day I ask forgiveness to my mum...the one i love so much.

On her 65 birthday I might have have hurt her the most with my bad deeds.

But it is equally so true I love her so much that I regret so deeply for all the pain i have caused her.

I just hope she forgives me one day.

While tears keeps coming in my eyes it is impossible to quantify the love i have for her.

Being so far apart is like having a part of my heart snatched from me.

I might be far from sight but she is forever deeply in my heart.Yesterday...Now... and Forever..


Thursday 14 December 2017

Single malt Scotch

Good Morning friends

Single malt Scotch is single malt whisky made in Scotland.

To be a single malt scotch the whisky must have been distilled at a single distillery using a pot still distillation process and made from a mash of malted grain.

Several types of grains can be malted (for example, barley, rye and wheat). But in Scotland, the only grain allowed to be used in a single malt whisky is barley.

As with any Scotch whisky, a single malt Scotch must be distilled in Scotland and matured in oak casks in Scotland for at least three years and one day.

The age statement on a bottle of single malt Scotch is the number of years the whisky spent maturing in casks.

Don't drink and drive.

Have a great festive season.

(Extract is from Wikipedia)