Monday 31 August 2015

Good Evening from Kam City

Hello Friends

Hope you had a great day...

Why not a cool message for the rest of the evening...

You had a busy day...Thanks God it's over!!!!

You had a bad day...Thanks God it's over!!!

Your mood was off at work...Thanks God work is over too....

It is 19:19 in Mauritius and work day is over...

Flush all our negatives and enjoy your evening with your loved ones...


Good Morning from Kam City

My dearest and adorable friends

Today we will share some nice words from Wayne dyer

With everything that has happened to you....

You can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift.

Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing....

Make the right choice!!!

Have a nice day.

Kam City

Sunday 30 August 2015

Good Evening from Kam City

Another day gone...

If it was a good one...Then be grateful!!!

If it was one to be forgotten...then be happy that this day is nearly over..

Have a nice evening from Kam City


Good Morning from Kam City

My dearest and adorable friends

On this last Sunday of the month...Here we go for another nice quote...

Always be grateful for every second of the day that you get to spend with  the people you love....

Life is so very precious...

Appreciate every second of it.

Bon Dimanche.

Kam City


Saturday 29 August 2015


This is an expression that has been around since the 1970s.

It was generally used to refer to something that creates a sense of well-being in people — their emotional state, physical state, financial state, etc.

This is an  expression that reassures you that justice has been done…or everything was done in all fairness…

But to experience a ‘Feel Good Factor’ it is important to voice out what is not fair and where there are anomalies…

Without voicing what is wrong you will never experience what is right!!!

Good Night friends and may the breeze of justice and fairness blow all over the world.

The International Day against Nuclear Tests is observed today the 29th of August.

The resolution in particular calls for increasing awareness "about the effects of nuclear weapon test explosions or any other nuclear explosions and the need for their cessation.

Around the globe, advocates for a nuclear-weapon-free world, will be organizing and participating in activities to call attention to the urgent imperative for the international community to rally in support of banning nuclear weapons testing once and for all.

We all know the negative impact on humanity and Nature of Nuclear Bombs dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

So Guys and Gals...Say No to Neclear Tests for a safer Earth.

Peace and Love...

Kam City

Don't look for happiness!!!!

Life is planning...planning..and planning...pffff

Come on guys...You are not programmed robots...

Planning for happiness is rarely successful. Happiness just happens...

Live your life everyday!!!!

29th August 2015 - End of Shravan Mass...and the auspicious birth of the Blogger Mahadev.